Ehhh, that sounds like a turn off.
What’s so memory hungry about this plane?
Under 10,000’ stay under 50 percent power, it should keep you close to 220 KIAS which isn’t slow.
I did a quick test with Hondajet in identical conditions /location etc using the default 747 as a guide.The Hondajet for me does struggle somewhat with too much view panning compared with the 747 doing the same,so something within the hondajet appears to me to be under more stress.To alleviate the load I am now using just the fwd view for landing at Klax for example as it is smoother that way,still love the aircraft though👍
Ok I’ll wait on a couple more patches/updates before I grab it.
It’s not this plane. The problem can happen with every aircraft. I and many others have never had a CTD with this plane. Do you understand. Without clear crash logs you can’t say it’s any specific thing.
But every plane you add and every scenery you add increases the memory demand. Did you know that when you add a plane, it becomes available for the AI to use too? Therefore you may have multiple instances of it loaded and flying in the background. All those instances are using the full memory footprint even though you almost never see them. Multiply that by every aircraft mod you add and you can see how the memory can quickly get filled up.
One thing you can try is to modify the aircraft.cfg file to turn off the option to use addon aircraft by ATC. I think it’s a line called “AI_traffic = 1” or something. I’m not sure exactly but you can google this easily. Change every addon aircraft and make it a 0 so the game only uses default planes. This may help reduce your memory footprint.
I also get lots of stutters with this aircraft but only when taxiing at airports and some after takeoff. But I think the devs will try to improve that. This on PC.
You can’t edit this aircraft’s cfg, its a Marketplace only aircraft so the files are encrypted. But you can turn AI traffic OFF in the sim options if you want to. It won’t fix the stutters though, those are caused by the aircraft.
Then try editing the aircraft.cfg files of the addons you can edit. If you can reduce your overall memory footprint that may help.
Same experience. Love this plane and it has almost worked flawlessly for me
On Xbox series S. I had black screens once (forgot to quit game and restart…) and notice some stutter flying over the Alps as many here mention. Sceneries and WU seem to be the culprit here as I had good flights in US and Japan for example. This and the Seneca will keep me busy and enjoying the sim while waiting a few months for some larger airliners to arrive.
To avoid overspeed, I set the FLC to 220 KIAS. When I approach the cruise altitude, I decrease the throttle until the vertical speed reaches 0. Then I punch the CSC until the speed bug turns magenta and it will hold that speed. Usually keep it between 220-240 so I have plenty of headroom to avoid overspeed.
VNAV can certainly use some work. Usually I’ll set the altitude far below the target altitude for the waypoint but unfortunately the plane keeps descending past target. I have also used VNAV and reached the desired altitude 10-15 miles before the waypoint, or occasionally come in 1000s of feet too high.
Never had a CTD in MSFS and I own most of the performance demanding payware aircraft and sceneries. I’d get low fps and stutter but never a CTD from high memory demand combinations. (PMDG 737 & KLAX) I’m aware the aircraft.cfg AI traffic value and most aircraft addons are set to 0 as default.
Well I don’t get CTDs either and I have a similar portfolio as you. I’m just offering a suggestion to the user who is cursed. Who knows how their system is configured?
Here is my Guide with Procedures & Checklists for the Honda Jet, containing Takeoff & Landing Profiles, Climb, Cruize and Descent Power/Speeds. All derived from original Honda Jet HA420 Flight Manuals -
Here is also a Beginner Video Guide in German Language
Kind Regards
For me, VNAV works nicely on climb, but it descends too slowly and I end up using FLC for the descent. Am I doing something wrong?
See my note above. I feel the VNAV is a WIP…
Two things come to mind.
Use FLC for the climb and VS for the descent. If it is chasing a speed for descent in FLC, you will be up there for ever.
Set a required altitude in the flightplan and let Vnav get you where you want to be at the correct altitude.
Hope this helps.
Hi Folks
First time posting and a question about this fantastic addition (I’m on Xbox Series X)
Power - I’m struggling to get above 33k and I’m aware that 43k should be possible within about 24 minutes. Even getting to 33k is a challenge. Am I missing something obvious with the throttle settings?
Hello. Not a pilot nor advance player but few things came to Mind.
Setting right trim for TO ( should check Green Arrow alined)
After lined on runway push the TO button.
210 is the best climb speed if I am not wrong.
So use flc while climbing to desired altitude after your manuel climb meanwhile set thrust to MCT.
And always check for the speed when desired speed is close cuz there is no auto throttle.
Hope this helps
Are you using Flight level control (FLC) speed?
I climb at 190knots with FLC on the autopilot, no problems getting to 40,000+. Of course it will slow to less than 1000ft/min once you get to those altitudes. It is hard to get that high using VS unless you continuously adjust.
And as @figmentt79 mentioned you’ll want to use the climb detent on the throttle.
That being said I don’t think FL400 is where this plane performs best. I seem to get best ground speed at FL350. I don’t think it has the power to cruise FL400+. At least on Xbox not sure about IRL.
I had no problem cruising at FL430, it’s perfectly doable. Though I mostly cruise at FL400. Climb is also easy if one uses FLC mode, keeps the throttle at MCT and sets the speed to M .50-55.