[RELEASED] Kennedy Space Center VAB area detailed scenery, including launch complex 39A (SpaceX) and 39B (NASA Artemis/SLS)

Lovely, make it happen :+1:, include the Apollo 11 :wink:in future also. There will be lots of followers still today.
Certainly Geminis will be surely in up till today, well that one has to be even so long ago…
Might be someone else thinking about the X`s, which been flying at 145k ft that time in real.

Keep on working on such unique events, it will be certainly worth.


Hi everyone,

Another new feature we implemented is “location spawning”. Basically, if you fly or “park” your aircraft within 1 km of Pad39A and click on one of era buttons, the rockets will ONLY spawn on Pad39A. Same for Pad39B.

If you fly or “park” your aircraft within 500m of the EAST exits of VAB (High bay 1 and High Bay 3), the rockets will ONLY spawn on a crawler transporter, in front of VAB.

Finally, if you fly or “park” your aircraft anywhere outside these zones, the spawning will be random, as before.


Here are a few quick WIP videos of the Saturn V launches. I’ll do Shuttles tomorrow. This is just 3D material effects and custom animation controllers, no particle (smoke) VFX yet. Enjoy!


Space Shuttle Launches!! Work in progress, no particle effects.


Only having 2024, I don’t have a dog in this race yet.

However, your transparency and engagement with the community is mightily impressive terrabuilder.

Perhaps something some other devs could learn from.



I feel like I’m being a giant pain every time I write on here, so sorry! But I figure that development time is the best time to give feedback.

These do look awesome! But I wanted to mention that the SRB flame in those pictures seems to have a tinge of yellowish-green. (Opening it up in a photo editor, I was surprised to learn that the center is pure white (255, 255, 255), but the color around the edges tricks your brain into thinking the whole flame is yellowish-green.)

I’ve been to roughly 20-25 rocket launches in my life (enough that I’ve stopped counting, and with all but three of them from 5K away), including 10 shuttle launches. On TV and in pictures, the flame looks white, but in real life, the SRB flame is orange. Like a really, really, REALLY bright sodium lamp.

I don’t think there is a way to capture the actual color on a computer monitor, but the best colors I can find are these two pics:

(Probably a good reason that these two pictures are darker. I assume that it looks white on TV and in most pictures because during the day, the light probably overwhelms the camera sensors.)

Two other things I wanted to mention that are not feedback, but that might help (I hope):

  1. During a night launch, on a clear night, you can see the rocket flame for ~4-500 miles. Here is an amateur video (deliberately amateur, because the TV broadcast would switch to chase plane footage by this point), where you can see it at 6 minutes after launch, which is 104.5 miles in altitude and ~324 miles downrange, and the only reason they lost sight of it was because it went behind a tent:
    I don’t know how far you can extend the LOD models, or how far you even want to extend them, but I wanted to give a heads up about that.
  2. During the daytime, it is not easy to see SRB separation from the ground. Here’s a crystal clear amateur video from Kennedy Space Center, and you can’t even see SRB sep:
    You can actually see more of it in real life than you do in the video. (It looks like a puff of smoke.)

Anyway, sorry to be a pain. I know you take great care to make this as realistic as it can be, which is why I wanted to mention all this stuff!

Hey thanks for this, I actually noticed the same thing, for some reason, the flame is leaning towards greenish. Right now it is very bright pure yellow, as in, there are no blue values in RGB color. It must be something in the rendering engine that is adding some green tinge. I will try to skew the color more towards red, and see if there is any improvement.

[EDIT] here are the plumes with red values pronounced. I think the day shots may look greenish because the blue sky gets into the mix of things.


The lighting system is actually impressive, IMHO. It allows for a lot of things that previous FS platforms didn’t. The light source can be really powerful, and light up the whole area. Here is a shot of the night launch, sure to be impressive when watched from an aircraft. This is at 100000 lumen strength, and I experimented with 1M lumen, but then the close up shots get washed out with brightness. Still looking for the good compromise. The only thing I noticed which is regrettable, is that clouds don’t reflect light sources. That would be really impressive.


this looks amazing so far! can’t wait to see what this add on will look like in msfs2024!


Launch smoke trail! Still a lot of fiddling to do, but I think it is going in the right direction. VFX Editor has a very steep learning curve, so this has been the hardest part of the whole launch feature.


Punching through the clouds…


Being born in 1960 I vividly recall the “space hype” we experienced in the late sixties, and of course the Apollo launches. I am deeply impressed by your fantastic project and I am looking forward to download the next development of your scenery.


Agree totally, but 1959 for me. Another thing for me was the first steps on the surface, that were on my birthday as a young lad. I also met Neil twice, flying RC planes of all things, very quiet kinda person, but so likable in his actions. I’d of went if they had asked, still would if they allowed Papas. Great work by the dev, I’m gonna test my CC soon as it’s available in 2024 marketplace. Turn up now, I mean WAY up, the audio on the videos, Yesss… my 2 12in Subs are begging and my old Cerwin Vegas…I think I seen something glowing in them. lol Whoa:+1:


Hi everyone! Along with this project, we’ve been working in parallel on our SpacePort spaceflight add-on, and I am happy to announce that we have ported it to MSFS2020 AND MSFS2024 (same code works for both). I will start a separate forum thread for this since it is obviously a separate project, but here are a few quick screenshots for now. (MSFS2024)



Hi everyone! Check it out - We have the support crew walking alongside the crawler:


… and the support vehicle convoy that joins in!


This is awesome! Are these in the product already or still to be released?


Hi! These are slated to be released in the new update, along with on-demand rocket launches! Absolutely free, of course.


For everyone that has been asking about the launch plumes… We have been hard at work on this one, as VFX design has an extremely steep learning curve… but I think we are getting pretty close :slight_smile:


Looks and “moves” nice, but it is a FPS hog…