[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde

Only if you do it the way the Checklist says to, and please remember that this is not a support forum, the mods will eventually intervene if you keep labouring this same problem over and over.

any comment on how it handles when fly by hand compared to FSlab version? I think that was considered study level?

I did a fully hand-flown, visual approach and landing at KMIA a few weeks ago - no AP/ILS use at all (didn’t even enter the frequency, so no markers or flight director help either).

Went fine.

Tonight I tried the same autoland with the xcub and A320. Both stuck it down on the left hand edge of the runway, similar offset to Concorde but the other side. The ILS line was dead centre on the runway but the autopilot is missing it. I didn’t check if wind direction was a factor. I don’t have any other experience of autoland in this sim because I bought it to fly myself not watch it fly without me :laughing: but it seems that Concorde is behaving the same as Asobo’s planes.

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I’m afraid it was too many moons ago for me to compare flight models but I’ve hand flown the DC Designs version a lot (my last flight was the only one I used the AP for approach & landing) and it handles really well. When we have “digital’ readout on the ASI it will be even better because it will be easier to hit the correct speeds. The study level aspect really has more bearing on the complexity in setting the aircraft up for different stages of flight. I do recall flying the FSLabs Concorde less than I would have liked because it was a lot of work to even get going.

Look, it’s not to throw balls away but normally we don’t have anything in the community when we develop, but i personally create a bak folder where I deposit everything to make sure that nothing interferes. That said, some time ago a user reported that the live weather screen did not work for him and another user reported the same on the f-16 screens. It turned out to be the gtn760 mod’s fault as it modified shared files. You do not have the gt760 but I do see, for example, other mods that are evident in your capture. I don’t know if they works in a similar way but it is clear that you have something that we don’t have and we can’t stop to diagnose. My advice, test the concorde without anything else there.

right, I am mostly flying only cruise phase on AP, and that’s why I kinda wanna ask for the hand flying feel. it’s great to me but well, it’s my first concorde exp so while more difficult than an airbus, I somehow wonders if it’s too easy or so to hand fly and land, as I usually fly the Kai Tak ILS 13 which is challenging or try land in LXGB with short runway without issue

Happened to me too. But I noticed 2nd time that the pitch trim was set full down. Resetting it to zero solved the problem for me.

Oddly the pitch trim wheel seems to slowly turn by itself until I get the engines running.

That could be a keybinding/axis “drifting” issue. I’ve seen something similar where the cockpit camera view is slowly moving and it’s due to bad centering on one of my mini hat switches. Maybe this is the same thing.

In fact @DEAN01973 it might be a good idea to add “verify takeoff trim” to the checklist?

Yes that might be worthwhile to ensure neutral trim at take off and avoid some of these issues. Autopilot off might be another, just in case.

Man, please excuse me. I realized my mistake. But I did not expect that it would lead to such a result. An ILS acquisition must be made at an altitude of at least 5000 feet and no closer than 15 nm. The manual says this, but I ignored it and tried to set the ILS below 5000 feet. I didn’t know it was critical.
After I did that, everything worked very well.

I’m from Ukraine, I found time to distract myself from the war and rocket attacks. Sorry, I’m very nervous right now. :frowning:

And as I promised, landing video at UKBB :slight_smile:


Look at that, a more accurate ILS landing than the one I did!

I had no idea you were from Ukraine, I would have been far more patient if I had known, even though I was sure the issue was at your end. I and pretty much everybody in the rest of the world are behind you and your country, 100% :+1: If you need anything else for Concorde, don’t post it here - PM me and I’ll deal with it personally for you.


Thank you so much for your support. From Ukraine, with love :slight_smile:


I also think something is bugged with MSFS ILS in general. They only seem to be detectable inside 20 miles when they should be more like 50 miles. And they should have a DME signal

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But strange thing is that in FBW I do really get 100% ILS working and never land so far off center

A few things I’ve noticed after flying this for a while:

  1. The CG indicator on the pilot’s panel has the forward CG limit during cruise at 59.5% instead of 58.5%.
  2. While the total air temp readout on the copilot’s side of the pedestal has both a correct total and static air temperature, the other two external temperatures in the cockpit (pilot’s side of the pedestal and engineer’s station) show a standard atmosphere value. Could these be changed to static air temp?
  3. Max cruise climbs very aggressively without following its bugged speed. Likewise, both IAS hold and Mach hold pitch modes are very loose at cruise altitude and airspeed. Not sure what knobs Asobo has given you for the autopilot, but it seems like there’s room for improvement. Since nothing in the base game flies at >FL500, this might be a generic sim bug.
  4. A vertical speed climb does not trigger altitude capture at the selected altitude at cruise altitudes. Haven’t tried low altitude, but Asobo’s autopilot isn’t that sophisticated. This might also be a generic sim bug.
  5. The 747’s autothrottle is limited to less than 100% throttle. Is this something that can be implemented without breaking reheat to prevent autothrottle from using reheat?

None of this is game breaking, and I’d like to point out that this is fantastically well done. Thanks for bringing it to xbox.

FBW use a custom autopilot. Concorde uses the default autopilot and the pids are tuned to be more “soft” for supersonic flight.

What’s really needed is for Asobo to allow a high speed pid and low speed pid in the SDK.

  1. The 1% difference in CG indication was fixed in the last update.


I don’t understand what you mean by “the GTN-750 mod is known for doing that”.

We absolutely don’t touch the MSFS autopilot in the GNT750 and even if we could do that this would require you to load the GTN750 in the cockpit. I think it’s not the case in the Concorde :wink:

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This is supposed to have been fixed in the latest update.

Yes it can be done.

All three modes are FLC based, so vertical speed will vary depending on how difficult it is to maintain an airspeed while climbing or descending and whether or not you use autothrottle. How accurate these modes are at maintaining that airspeed depends on the PID controller that governs FLC, and generally a high altitude climb to maintain mach 2.0 is always going to be at a lower V/S than using the other modes.

I don’t understand what you mean here, but in any case, if you want to climb with VERT HOLD and capture an altitude ALT ACQ must be enabled, and once the target altitude is reached, both are disengaged and ALT HOLD is activated instead.

I understand that you always want to make comparisons with a320 or 747 because they are airliners, but Concorde is a supersonic airliner with AFCS and autothrottle functions that have nothing to do with the other two. In fact I always see complaints based on unfounded opinions that this should do this, because in a 747 or an a320 it is like that. You must change that concept. That said, what you’re asking for isn’t possible if we limit autothrottle to a percentage of throttle. It’s all or nothing, if it is limited, AT will never engage afterburner, and if it is not limited it will use all available power. Cannot be altered against nature until Asobo allows it.