[Released] SF50 Vision Jet G2

Nice! I look forward to it.

T/O was always a bit touchy. Not terrible, but different. Most planes just want to fly. Once you hit that magic speed, they start to lift off. Not so much with this one. I feel like it needed a little more elevator on rotation than it should, which would suddenly cause it to jump off the runway and overshoot the FD significantly. Perhaps that’s due to the thrust line above GC due to the top mounted engine causing nose-down pitch moment at full power? I’m not a pilot and I’ve never even seen one of these IRL, so I can only speculate.

In any case, just got word from my boss that work is being shut down today due to a snow storm (yay! snow day!) and to go home. And coincidentally, I start xmas vacation time today as well, so the next 3 weeks are going to see a LOT of VJ flying and further development of my VJ instruments for Air Manager. :slight_smile:

Time to go hit up my cockpit!