Only times I’ve had that happen in other airplanes was usually related to trim bindings.
I’m really looking forward to FlightFX’s Pompano Beach Airport. I don’t normally buy airports on the Marketplace.
The little jet performs great over Quito Ecuador. Never even heard of the place but the vision jet took me there.
This isn’t a “support request”. It’s just a matter of curiosity.
I was flying the Vision Jet on a leg to an RNAV approach at TEFDU when things went sideways. Luckily I had LNM running, so I have some evidence I’m not crazy.
You can see on the LNM path it was all fine until just past Golden Gates. I wasn’t doing anything here other than managing my speed so as to make an easy turn to line up to 23. For some reason the AP took that turn to the N/NW, the magenta arrow just spun around.
Normally when something odd like that happens I take over manually. But in a jet it’s a little harder to suddenly make that kind of adjustment. I decided to see what it was going to.
Just as I was about to give up and think I’ll never understand Garmin systems, approaches or flying in general, the magenta line spun back towards TEFDU.
Is this just the old G3000 weirdness? I’m thinking of doing the same flight with the TBM since it has the AA1 G3000.
Had the same thing happen to me. I was on my way to HIA where my flight plan had me turning on to my next waypoint… and well short of HIA, it veered to the Northeast. I took over and used HDG mode to get pointed at my next leg, turned NAV on again and it resumed the flight normally. It was as if there was a big magnetic field around HIA that said “stay away!”.
Cool, you caught it too!
I think/hope it’s the old G3000 code. So far the AA1 version hasn’t given me any moments like that.
“seems to be missing in the current WT 3000”
Öhm… it´s a basic navigation procedure. How can it be missing?
I think it is the “weirdness”. If you do any DirectTo or “next leg” or anything outside of the flight plan that you import or key in, weird stuff happens when you get to the IAF. I think it tries at the last second to insert a User waypoint, then you find yourself going in odd directions.
Crossing fingers that the AAU fixes this once and for all…reportedly it does, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
This is definitely weirdness with the default flight planner code. All the Working Title code rewrites this stuff and you wont’ see it happen in the G1000nxi or the GNS530, so I’m sure the new G3000 rewrite will fix this too.
Not everyone is on the discord. When I went to the link, it was greyed out and told me the account was unclaimed. I do have an account on discord, but, I was just pointing out you need to be on the discord to see this (and maybe the link eventually dies over time?).
I suppose you could argue that you should be on the discord to partake in this knowledge?
An unclaimed account in Discord means one of two things; either you’re logging in using a “guest account” specific to the Discord Server you’re trying to access (in most cases this is disabled for security purposes) or you need to login to Discord itself first, then attempt to access the server invite with your Discord login cached in your browser Cookies.
Beyond that, I know not more.
You don’t want to get behind the power curve on a piston either… But, yes, even worse in a jet because you have to spool it up…
I think you could say it’s an issue with the flight sim that it’s so easy to not follow “the rules”, so so many people complain “Oh, this plane floats forever” or “why is this plane bouncing so much”… well, they do in real life too when you aren’t at the correct speeds for the plane.
But then again, watching other pilots land at any given airport irl, you’ll see some guys drop it on a dime before the first turnoff, and others float nice and easy a long way… Not that it’s a bad thing, sometimes you’re trying to stick it at that far turnoff because that’s where your parking spot is, why bother taxiing when you don’t have to?
Then we don’t have to hear AI ATC saying to turn at the next taxiway ten times over!
I recall on a YouTube video someone saying landing long like that should be approved by the tower?
I’ve been using it on the TBM 930 and so far I’ve not had any surprises. There is a world map bug in the AA1 beta that doesn’t always load the FP. But the G3000 looks amazing and works. It’s just much more intuitive.
What is the proper landing procedure when it comes approaches with the AT on? I’m used to using flaps to slow down but the with the AP on the engine spools up.
It’s also a little tricky switching off the AP and and getting the physical throttle lever back in the right position. I’ve started keeping it at or near idle on approach before turning off the AP.
IRL, the AT would move the physical throttle, keeping it where it should be when you disengage.
I always go manual throttle for the approach and landing. Fully configured, my throttle seems to be around 60% to hold the ~90k Vapp speed, in my observation.
Maybe others have better observations for using A/T on final approach?
Switch the AT to manual and dial in the desired speed using IAS - no need to turn off the auto throttle when landing at all using this method. I just throttle back as the wheels touchdown and apply the brakes as normal.
It is a part of the process that would be easier to manage in the cockpit than it is in the virtual cockpit. So I tend to come in a little fast, so I have the speed to stay in air as I click all the AP and AT functions off.
I approach with AT in manual mode, dialing back the speed as I approach. When I disable autopilot (button on my yoke), it disables autothrottle too and I just control it manually through flare and landing. When I get ready to disengage autothrottle I match the physical position in the virtual cockpit with my hardware throttle before I do so.