Hey Everyone!
Small Update from our Alpha Testers and our Sound Engineer, GurtTractor.
Alpha Testing is now in version 0.0.2. and we’ve crossed some major milestones! Here are some nice photos from a rainy morning. Special thanks to @rafikst for the awesome photos.
Now on Sounds!
GurtTractor has arrived at Forwood Farms and is currently having an amazing time exploring the Scenery (Which will be included with the Wilga on Release), and of course enjoying his time recording sounds on the ground and in the air with their Wilga!
This is a very important time where we sincerely thank the community for supporting our small team.
There is only 5 of us on this team and without your support with the Gee Bee R3, Edgley Optica, and Discus-2c, we wouldn’t have been able to purchase sound equipment, travel, and inclusive hands-on sound recording sessions and flights.
From everyone on the Got Friends Team, we sincerly thank you for being part of a great community and financially giving us the ability to increase our production quality…
You are all amazing and we can’t wait to share more!