[RELEASED] Wilga 35/80 Series | Got Friends

Also Understandable,

That’s why I don’t judge anyone’s decision. I’m a simmer to at the end of the day and enjoy a high quality add-on that is well rounded in every area including sounds.

I completly understand and appreciate your honest feedback.

I can’t speak for everyone, but at Got Friends, we truly didn’t have the means to get sounds. This is our first go at it, and we couldn’t be more thrilled!

One of the few ways, at least, Got Friends, is trying to give back! :slight_smile:


The thing is: if a default soundset is well produced and fits the aircraft, it’s fine. But the sound of radial engines is so special and so important for the character of these aircraft, that a quality soundset is a must. Even if it’s a third party soundset from another aircraft. It simply shouldn’t sound like a clipped mush with low fidelity. The Big Radials Goose has proven that great sounds are not impossible to do for that kind of aircraft. That one sounds excellent, inside and out.


Absolutely! :100: I know GurtTractor is going to bring you all some high quality sounds… hopefully game changing sounds.

We will also ensure everyone gets a solid preview of them as well prior to purchase. :slight_smile:


That is an interesting discussion to have. Unfortunately, we (customers) have also limited financial resources and there are plenty of really good planes already. The competition is tough as in many types of businesses. So for me personally, planes that have it all, including great graphics, sound design and a believable flight model will be prioritized on my shopping list. The only types of airplanes I may look past those aspects are those that I have some personal attachment to.

I know it is tough out there for developers, but like in every other competitive business, you need some investment to offer the best quality possible. I am sure small developers will find enough people willing to buy their first planes to make enough money to reinvest it into equipment. Just like you guys did. I am sure those investments will pay off quickly once you get also people like me onboard (I estimate it is not a small number, but of course, I may be wrong).


Very valuable insight and understandable. At the end of the day, I sometimes forget that I don’t have to purchase the aircraft that we release. Luckily our entire team always puts full effort into development to ensure it’s great and delivers quality where some may lack. Fortunately, the Wilga is going great and not lacking anything that I’ve spotted in that regard.

That’s why I’ve always tried my hardest to be open to the community about our decisions and development processes. Wide open doors, unfiltered previews, and community involvement. In the long run, our team loves developing aircraft and will always try to give back. We all started as Freeware Developers and it’s important to us that we keep that communication. It’s easier as well… more developers should do so! It’s very enlightening! :slight_smile:


As a sound engineer, I find it very difficult to enjoy aircraft that use the legacy sound system or use what I call “Youtube” quality sound sets. It’s typically why I avoid a certain 3rd party developer, especially when said developer clearly generates enough revenue to either a) invest in equipment or b) can hire someone to record the sounds.

The original sound sets in-game are fantastic in my opinion, and if an aircraft shares the same engine/prop then why not reuse those.

Off on a tangent now, but back to the point. I’m glad to see that a developer has put the audio aspect up front with the visual and performance aspects of the product. Often sound is overlooked and brushed off as a last-minute thing when in actual fact it plays an important role. Visuals can inform the player that they are indeed performing an action, audio/sonic feedback is what allows the player to know that the action is their own and let them self-insert/immerse into the experience.


Some nice footage from one of the recording sessions!

Keep in mind this is filmed on a GoPro and not the sounds that will be used.

Have to say that! Haha

As you can see Forwood Farms is a beautiful place to land! More Scenery Screenshots soon! Emerald Scenery Design is doing fantastic work on that front! Yes, you’ll have to dodge the hedges as well! :wink:


Oh no, this Wilga has a muffler!! This is not a correct sound source for reference recordings! ):

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Don’t you worry! We have more sound recordings in store! :wink:

Remember, we are doing 4 Variants including the Regluated (Muffler) 80, 80H and 80P.

Good to know. I’m already calm. I almost got a heart attack! (;


Unsub! Unpurchase! Unfollow! breaks out pitchfork



No worries guys, GurtTractor has placed custom made quality microphones attached to many-channel professional recording equipment all over the aircraft, inside and out. If you look carefully, you’ll spot a guinea pig…uhm…microphone…inside the engine compartment itself as well.
Engine sounds are also recorded in 100RPM steps, plus startup sounds of course (pretty unique as the Wilga does not need a battery to start, it uses compressed air). Every switch, lever, door…it’s all been caught by Gurt!

Trivia: the GoPro is not just for fun, it’s actually an important part of the recording process, enabling Gurt to visually associate the many cockpit sounds with the action that went with it.


That’s excellent. One thing I didn’t like about the FlyingIron Spitfire, for example, was the very distinct rough transition from one RPM range to a completely different one.

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Pardon the pun but this is just sounding better and better.


Heheh. Yeah man! My hype-propeller is at 2700rpm already. Concentrated effort to settle my CTD’s before this arrives…

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afaik no way to recreate sound of shooting or any avia engine… it’s all about something that not possible. from headphones to biquadro cinema… but… there closer to real the better to us.
p.s. same about aerodynamic model.

We’ve got you covered for the Flight Model as well. Highly accurate, plus we are fortunate to have Wilga experts (including Wilga pilots) on our alpha test team assuring the highest level of authenticity possible.


and this is the good

I didnt really think a Wilga would be on my most wanted planes list (other than Draco…) but I’m really getting exited for this one! It looks like a lot of love is being put into it. I expect I will see this plane used a lot in the bush flying group I’m a part of.

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FTFY :wink:

…assuring the highest level of authenticity possible within what the stupidly and annoyingly limited SDK tools allow us.

:angel: :zap: :shushing_face: