[RELEASED] Wilga 35/80 Series | Got Friends

Hot take on update (in VR):

  • the “can’t click a checkbox on the clipboard” issue is still there, not sure if it was addressed in any way but just noted
  • flaps lever does not animate (external camera and flight model changes shows they are being set) - I’ll check another flight though (the other flight was fine)
  • I could control cooler shutters using “spoilers” axis (0-100%), the input is still the same but now it feels like -100%-0%-100% (a switch, not an axis, works fine still: 0-100%)

PS. I didn’t have any troubles downloading it (Central Europe)

Oh, did I mention I love the plane. :smiley:

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the other differences you may or may not know. all russian aircraft the plane moved so if you learned to fly in russia the plane was what you wanted to keep level. in alot of other countries the globe moved and you lined up the stationary horizon lines to keep level . so when there was an exchange of aircraft from east to west or vise versa, pilots from the east had a hard time keeping the aircraft level because of their training and instruments and vise versa for pilots from the west due to the differences in the artificial horizon and how each one operated differently from the other. i forget which aircraft it was but a western company sold them to eastern country and many of their pilots had crashed a few planes due to they were trying to make the plane fly correctly with the attitude indicator (on a globe movement version) but were utilizing their training from the east (plane moving version) hence crashing the planes they were flying.

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2 quick questions.

  1. since the update the fuel indicators don’t seem to be going down. i have been flying around for about 45 minutes all on my left tank and the indicator hasn’t moved. i am flying in the new livery - don’t know if that makes a difference or not but i will do some more testing. just curious if anyone else is experiencing this issue.
  2. aside from the temp readout on the transponder in the newer avionics versions, is there an oat gauge somewhere that i am overlooking?

[edit] i opened the w&b page and sure enough, my left tank is down quite a bit but the under-wing indicator has not moved.

[edit2] seems to be occurring on other liveries as well. it’s either a borked install on my side or a larger issue.

some server can works odd way. update for msfs as example. i can start update and it’s go fast enough then speed gone. restart msfs and continue with normal speed. in orbx more odd. some time it’s go max my speed. some time couple mb/s or even 50-500kb/s… all other place i download hadn’t any problems for me… milviz, ini, aerosoft, latinvfr dowloader, simmarket, flyingiron, flyinside… flytampa rarely has same behavior as msfs servers, but most time same good. and wilga today has been downloaded very fast, probably use max speed of my side. i had problem with netflix first day, with ■■■■ quality, after long time support chat with different people, from those day i had zerro problem with their servers. any way is can be on your side, but can be anywhere on the line between
your cap lol

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Got to tell all of you…
I have been on many forms, and this is the best one that I have been honored to be part of in terms of common sense, politeness, no hating words just logic thinking and a little kidding.
Thanks to Got Friends for the positive and teaching feedback…
Greatly Appreciated


What!!! Man, this is so great. I will go fly it today in my cold Québec area. You guys are great. Can we give some applauds. I have a quick question, what is the difference between Got Gravel and Got Friends?

:small_airplane: :orange_heart: :orange_heart: :black_heart: :orange_heart: :orange_heart:

Dude, YOU, are great. We need people like you to give the tone. You must be a good genuine person in life. Congrats to be you. :love_you_gesture:

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Hey, Bravetoss07, could you share please what is that avionic? Thank you.

Got Gravel is a person. Got Friends is the name of the development group that brought us the Wilga.

You may read about their team here:


Unfortunately my skills are not good enough. :disappointed:

Maybe anyone can help. :pray:

All i need are clear glasses, scratches could be untouched.

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I checked with the 80H, the 80P and the 80X variants. On my end all the fuel gauges work fine in the latest version. The underwing ones, as well as the in-cockpit ones in the 80X. I checked it with the new livery on the 80X as well.

It’s a real guzzler too … at 700 mm manifold pressure and 2,200 RPM about 2.3 gallons in 5 minutes fully rich, and about 2 gallons in 5 minutes leaned. That’s in the 80P.

Posting here and in the Discord channel so maybe more pilots can confirm. : )

Hello again Got Gravel. I tested the new ‘‘Updated Cabin Heat Lever (Controls Windshield De-Ice)’’ and it unfortunately doesn’t function in the 80X Modern variant (the plane I would like to fly). I tested 3 livery so far and the same result happen. I then tested another variant, the 80 Midlife and the De-Ice worked.

I feel bad to ask, could you please confirm when you will have the time?

Thank you very much.

Edit: Just want to add that I try the best I could to reproduce the same ‘‘flow’’ in the cockpit starting from cold and dark in order to eliminate variable. I monitor temps, same engine setting. It took around 2 min for the Midlife variant to defrost, but I waited around 15 minutes on the Modern without it ever defrosting. I also tested this multiple time.

File integrity checked, nothing as change on my system since the previous version.


it’s PMS GTN750, there is mod on f.to from Jaydee to replace GNS avionics with PMS GTN, but really any tablet/screen could be replaced. I just created simple replacement for myself for Wilga, but maybe Jaydee will do it also and update the replacement mod. Or maybe GotFriends will do that themselves as for their Optica.

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Thank you very much. I hope they will also support the GTN NXi, because there is a lot of incompatibility when both the PMS and the GTN are installed in the community folder.

This is actually something I’ve seen on a few random flights too, but most flights it’s fine. A few animations don’t happen, even though the corresponding actions do. When it’s happening the broken animations seem to be the flaps lever, bat & gen switches and fuel pump switch. You can still fly and it’s fine after reloading into a new flight.


Yeah. It would be nice. The GPS in the 80X is pretty rough tbh. I have just been flying the 80P and using external software for my magenta line and flight planning.

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Just happened with me on the 80P - flaps worked but no animation of the lever. Couldn’t turn on the transponder either. Seems to happen on my first flight with a particular variation or skin but doesn’t replicate on the next flight. I’ll keep checking it out.

I also had one of my hardest landings in the wilga. Didn’t get so much as a bounce, and was basically glued to the ground once I hit. Is that working as intended?

A few aircraft seem to do that on occasions. The Twin Navion is another example. Something to do with the MSFS flight model I assume, but whatever it is, it does not effect all aircraft.

A few more shots from my long weekend of flying this beauty to death! I absolutely love it… :heart:


Hey all pilots, can we applaud the devs at Got Friend, especially Got Gravel. The customer service is exceptional! They fixed the deicing for the 80x variant. Got Gravel directly message me to announce me the news. This is dedication. When I commented on this exceptional quality service, he answered :

(…) your happyness is all the reward for us!

No wonder it’s called Got Friends, it’s almost if you want to become friends with those guys.

Let spread the word : Quality product, quality customer service.

I own the Optica, the Wilgan and soon the Discus-2. Can’t wait for another product from Got Friends.

Flys safe, be safe.

:black_heart: :small_airplane: