[Released] Wing42 Boeing 247D

I have all of them. Dc-6 has it‘s problems mostly adressed. True. 737 also. But these are products supported by a comparatively large company with manpower to support multiple parallel projects. Lovely products though still some bits are missing and at a much higher price.
The rest mostly relies >90 % on stock systems are lacking in different departments.
Yes they got patches.
I would not compare their level of detail to the countless lovely things of the 247. The mentioned planes got patches because they really needed them. The „mostly bugfree“ state of the 247 without getting a single patch is a one-off. Somehow this makes people nervous because it‘s so uncommon nowadays.
However we‘re not opposite positions here.
It‘s just that nothing will change by all the noise. I have respect for devs not bowing to that pressure and only surface when they got something to show.

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