[Released] Wing42 Boeing 247D

The other day I tried your sound mod and liked it a lot. The only thing that put me off was the strong phasing sound. Once you’ve fixed that you will have brought the 247D back to life to me singlehandedly. It was mothballed for over a year now, because of the awful soundset which I simply couldn’t stand.

Thank you so much! Excellent work and also many thanks to Big Radials again for allowing you to use their engine sounds.


remove the phasing is very simple. Just do what I said in the post above. I am right now working in a more appropriate solution.


I’m confused by this. Do you mean the oil shutters? I didn’t think there were cowl flaps on this aircraft. (Which I always found interesting since most radials have them to maintain cylinder head temperature.)

Do you know if carb icing is actually modeled? The manual/clipboard speaks of maintaining 100°F carb temperatures, but I’ve never really seen anything happen in terms of carb icing when I’ve neglected this.

Thank you, again, for your work on keeping this aircraft alive. I really enjoyed your sound package on my last flight regardless of my embarrassing failings with the oil system.

yes, sorry. I mean the oil shutters. I have been flying the A20 yesterday and I had in mind the cowl flaps, as they are in the a20. B247 do not have cowl flaps, it has oil shutters.

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I hope you can find a fix. I assumed this was all handled via wasm which we only get compiled. I’m not sure with all the custom fluid handling and calculations how much of the engines.cfg actually affects the temps.
Best luck to you, you are doing a great job!


I have just updated to the version 4.2: I have fixed the phasing and the engine backfire. Now the backfire sound has the sound of a “pop” (the original sound was clipped, hence the “noise”, but once I corrected the code and uncluipped it I realised it did not sound like an engine backfire. I Tryied to find a more suitable one but I could not find a propper radial engine backfire sound, so I had replaced it with a free sound of a nine mil handgun, and I lowered its pitch). It works as intended in the original code. For the phasing, i replaced the popleller sound with the propeller sound on the Big radials plane, but I do not know if it sound relistic (different propellers). Let me know what do you think. I have downloaded several other propeller sounds from free mods, so I can test a few and see if there is one more “realistic”.

I have been doing some testing with the rads, but nothing conslusive yet.


Interestingly, there doesn’t really seem to be much of a sound over all the rest of the sounds when it comes to radial engine backfires, unlike cars…

This is a good one, tho

Again, not much sound here, but I like the healthy respect these guys have for the prop… “I’m not going near that prop… You going near that prop?? Who? ME? no way! I’m not going NEAR that prop!”

Here’s a pretty decent one…


What see in those videos is that what I made (using the sound of a 9 mil pistol) is quite accurate. Thanks. Try the mod and let me know what do you think.


i made some testing:


I reduced the Oil Shutter animation length in Controls.xml to 5, and the drag scale to 100. It’s allowing much finer control over the Oil Shutter temperature, but retains full travel of the Oil Shutter Lever.

        <Template Name="WING42_Controls_OilShutter">
                <Parameters Type="Default">

                <UseTemplate Name="WING42_Controls_Lever">
                        <VAR>LEVER OIL SHUTTER #ID#</VAR>

Excellent!! That was exactly what I was going to do next. I will add it to the next update of the mod.


Just wanted to say that I am happy that people in this community are giving this aircraft the attention it deserves, I am looking forward to testing it out :slight_smile:


Hi Ala13Kokakolo,
I just watched your first video of oil management and you are right. Oil shutters are not behaving in a realistic manner. They just work as an artificial switch to increase or decrease oil temps. Oil it self is operating at a way to low temps, but this should be easily fixed with engines.cfg.
Oil pressure also have some weird flutuations without any logic.

About oil shutters behaviour, although they are locked in a compiled file, I think there is a possibility to overcome this. But I’m not 100% sure.
In the template “WING42_Controls_OilShutter” you can bind a new localvar and create a new code for oil shutters and then you can use this new localvar to control existing oilshutters so that they do what you want.
Imagine a kind of fly-by-wire but for oil. In fly-by-wire you don’t control the elevators and ailerons. You are saying to fly-by-wire what you want the aircraft to do, and then fly-by-wire is gona control the elevators and ailerons for you.

I’ve made a scratch made oil shutters for my Denarq Beech and if you want I can help you on this.


Hi Alex, welcome onboard. Very helpful post. I will explore all your suggestions, I believe the engines.cfg do nothing to the oil temp and everything is controlled by local vars, but I can try to bind a new locan var. In the meantime, reducing the amount of opening of the oil shutters seems to aliviate the problems this plane has.

All your help is welcome. I have your fantastic mod and I will look at your scripts to see if I can do something similar here.

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Ok, I have use the script to reduce the oil shutter var to 5% max (as suggested) and reprogrammed the lorby controllers (the var does take decimal points, it was the script I was using that prevented) I think it will work even better if limited to 3%. I will do more testings:


I did not mention it yesterday but if you need me to create a Wwise file for those WAV files in your mod, just say it and I will do it. The benefit will be, for example, the possibility to add some randomization. I can add some small pitch and volume variation to all landing sounds so no two of them sound the same.


I noticed there has been an update on the marketplace version, 1.0.3. Has anyone tried it or seen what changed? I purchased it from the website and there is still on 1.01.
I’m very intrigued about where this update comes from.

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I have had 1.03 installed for so long that I couldn’t even tell you when that “update” was released. Perhaps pursuing the weekly development updates from the past would reveal when the last Marketplace 247D update was released.

Either way, I’m not sure how to help answer the question as to why it is a different version than the developer-direct version you have.

Unfortunately, there are no version notes in the Content Manager More Info box.


Here is the Dev Update when the 247D was released for the Marketplace:

Otmar’s last post in this thread was this:

Seeing as that was his last post, I don’t remember if we ever did get an update to the aircraft after its initial release on the Marketplace. I think he simply vaporized from that point and we’ve all been missing him since.

The version discrepancy could be that the Marketplace ingestion staff kicked it back to him a couple of times for errors that would have prevented them from accepting it. Of course, that’s just me guessing.

Give me my $20 back.

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There was never a official update after release just user mods.

With the mods and a lot of attention to staying ahead of the aircraft it is a fun thing but casual pilots are well warned to stay clear.

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