Remedy for the stiction issue of TFRP rudder and TWCS throttle

I found the stiction issue on the metal rail of TFRP rudder and TWCS throttle.
It was difficult to make fine control of movement due to the stiction.
You can reduce the stiction temporarily using plastic grease but it is not a permanent solution.

The friction on the surface of PTFE or UHMW PE is very low. So, I bought PTFE tape and attached it on the plastic parts which contact the metal rails.
The result was more than I expected. You can try it. You don’t need to buy more expensive rudder pedal again for fine movement.





I have the same issue with my thrustmaster flight rudder pedals. I was thinking of some copper or ceramic grease variant but this looks much better. Thx for sharing!


Thanks mate for that info. I have a newer model of the TWCS Throttle with the same sticky issue. The parts look a bit different. I have only one screw in the middle of that withholding part.

I didn’t need the tape though. It was sufficient to loosen that screw at the slider holder that presses the carriage to the rails.

Update: I just found out, that there is a service hole at the outside of the housing bottom where you can work on the screw without opening the case. The slide must be in the top position.

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I also did that mod to my TFRP pedals, pretty smooth now with much less friction! Got a cheaper tape than yours but it’s does the job.

Silicon grease also improved it a bit, but got quiet messy over the time and the scratching noise was still there.
Now it’s more enjoyable, recommend for everyone. :grinning:


Hello friend, I had already seen a video with this solution for the throttle TWCS, but here I only had common duct tape, even so I did it and it improved a lot. I tried the same in the TFRP rudder, but in it, as the pieces are smaller, the tapes came out easily. I ordered a ptfe tape (simpler than yours) yesterday and will try again. Tell me, was the effect on TFRP rudder similar to TWCS for you?

It was not easy to attach the tape as you see in the second, third and fourth pictures above. However, once after you finish this tricky work, the effect will be very nice.

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Yes, I will try with a tape that has more adhesion to complete the job. thx

Lube the rails with Fluid Film available at auto parts stores or Walmart. Very simple solution. Works very well. This stuff is a miracle lube in a can. I use it on my guns and any hardware that needs protection from the weather or wear.


i tried it doing it and it works surprisingly well, thanks!


I also found a remedy for the pedals sliding around on carpet. I got some Velcro tape and stuck the rough hook side (not the furry loop side) on the rubber feet. I have to replace it from time to time as it comes off, but while it’s there the pedals are steadfast on carpet.

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