"Remember" ATC Callsign and Tail Number

I didn’t see anything when I scanned though so if there is it is so far down the list that I cannot find it.

It’s currently possible to save this information manually in each aircraft’s aircraft.cfg: How to save your tail number [Trick].

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Better, save EVERYTHING I set up for a given aircraft! Joysticks, buttons, view point. ALL OF IT!


Thanks alot, this will suffice until they come up with a way of doing it through the menu.

Very important indeed! Upvoted

+1 !!! My wishes:

1/ sim must remember by default the last used tail number / callsigh added by user :pray: :pray: :pray:

2/ in model or aircraft cfg must be an option (like tailnumber=false/true) that this skin can use this tailnumber as default or not. Some skins have or will have own digits on the repaint created by skin’s author so its VERY important that on this skin defulat number will not be displayed. :pray: :pray: :pray:


Thanks folks! This thread reminded me of FSX and modifying .cfg files… once I found the ■■■■ flight sim files it was easy peesy! :slight_smile:

+1 I would like for FS to remember the tail number and other info once the data has been input. I would rather not try to edit a file manually for a setting like this.

Only 2nd posting here in this forum, but I got such a quick response on my first post (& issue resolved) that I thought I’d ask this question also.

I have found how to change the tail number, but it seems that I have to change the tail number every time I go for a flight. I’ve looked all over the web to see if there is a way to make the new tail number perm. but found nothing. - Does anyone have a way to get this done?

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The only way is by editing files, which many of us don’t want to be doing.

I will jump on your post here and ask the dev team to please add a feature whereby the game remembers what tail number you have entered for each livery/airplane loaded.


You can do it, but you will need to manually edit each file for each plane in the config files. You will need to change the text file called “aircraft”. If it is a steam install they can be found at: C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Official\Steam\asobo-aircraft-XXX\SimObjects\Airplanes\Asobo_XXX. I dont know where they are saved on a direct install. The items you need to change are down the bottom and labelled. Put in your registration and it will save it. You will need to do this for each plane (or just do it for your favorites) to save editing them all.


Hi @anon60896340, if this is a feature you would like to see, suggest going to this thread and hitting the “VOTE” button in the top left section. Seems to be getting a lot of votes, so hopefully it will be simple to include in a future update. For now, only option is to edit config files like others mentioned above.


OKay, thanks Juicebox, will do.

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Hey Nano,
Okay done… Did it via the config file which is the same thing that needed to be done in FSX & FS9.
Thanks much appreciate the reply.

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Thanks GGFly,
Much appreciate it

You can edit the “aircraft.cfg” files of the default planes with a text editor. The parameter is “atc_id.” Just remember to make a backup of the original. But since this can only be done on the base package planes, you won’t be able to edit the deluxe or premium planes.

Would be very helpful indeed.

This is emblematic of how bad this whole thing has been. Should we really need to go into the guts of our computers to permanently change the plane’s callsign? I for one am tired of flying around in a Pakistani airplane. Nothing against Pakistani aviation-- I just want to be able to permanently change the callsign.

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Thanks TClayton
Got the Tail number of the C172 G1000 changed to match my plane. I did want to get the tail number of the C172 with the steam gauges changed also, but could not find the aircraft.cfg file for that one to get it done… So maybe that is the reason why…

Would really appreciate to see that feature implemented.