Reminder: New AIRAC cycle starts today

If you’re a Navigraph user, make sure you update all your databases… 2103 is out as of today.


Cheers for the reminder.

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Sorry ! How to update msfs database using Navigraph subscription ? Thanks !

Use the beta updater - Navigraph Navdata Beta - General - Navigraph


As of 1652H ET, it’s still AIRAC 03-12 2102.

If you want notification when Richard updates the release notes (which would indicate there was an AIRAC or Beta Client update), follow my suggestion below:

@CasualClick, well, I’m not sure what to tell you, but when I used the beta updater and the FMS database manager, they both downloaded 2103.

That’s good to know! Maybe he updated it in advance of the notes.

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Well, today is the right day! Otherwise, you’re out of date, and in a real world situation, would be technically flying with illegal, outdated data. 99.9% of the time it’s not going to be an issue, but that 0.1% can bite you in the a$$. Which is why Garmin and Jeppesen charge so much, because they have people by the short and curlies and they know it. At least those few who still have short and curlies in 2021 lol…

Ok, thanks, I thought that a stable version bis already available.

we still get fake waypoints in STARS after loading a flight plan via simbrief and Still can’t delete/edit waypoints in SIDS/STARs

@SWACCTIME I can’t help with that. I was just letting people know the new cycle was available. That sounds like something you might want to have a chat with Navigraph tech support about.

It could also be related to the plane/avionics you’re using as well.

Navigraph cannot fix this. This is a MSFS issue. If you have actually flown SIDS/STARs at least in the USA you would have seen this yourself. this is a known problem and Im sure its not restricted to just USA operations. Thankfully the FBW team will release a custom autopilot where we can actually edit these waypoints ourselves as need be. Unfortunately this probably never gets fixed as the way it is now will lower the workload of someone playing on an XBOX where the flightplan you have loaded also controls ATC.

I fly SIDs and STARs literally every single day, and I can’t say I’m all that familiar with what you’re talking about. Yeah, from time to time I see odd waypoints, in the FBW A320, the WT CJ4, and even GA aircraft, though it’s not unusual for me to skip the SIDs and STARs when I’ve got an engine (or engines) that uses AVGAS. It’s never caused me a problem or issue, though I will say it would be nice if they weren’t there.

But I don’t see your average XBox user even knowing what a SID or STAR actually is, much less caring one way or the other if they’re 100% accurate.

Which is why it probably won’t ever get fixed because the Xbox user does not care. I flew into KBUR the other day and the last 3 waypoints at least were not there. It usually ends the STAR with that USR waypoint which isn’t realistic and some silly looking loop to join the ILS. I will add that SIDS are usually correct. You just cannot delete them. Sure I can do DIRECT to the next waypoint but I should be able to delete them as well. It’s more work to be clicking around trying to fly direct. I don’t understand how anyone is okay with this method. The fact is the waypoints in my simbrief on my STAR that I upload are manipulated by MSFS and either replaced with waypoints that don’t exist or just left out entirely

You lost me. You said you’re flying the FBW A32NX, but you’re using the MSFS flight planner? Why wouldn’t you just import your flight plan directly from Simbrief and skip that in the first place? Also, if you are going to use it, you have to be careful how you modify it, for example if you want to change parking spots, you have to use the dropdown to do that, and not click on what you want and then click “Make Departure” or whatever it is it says. If you do that, MSFS will almost always reroute the entire flight plan.

You can also import from simbrief with the WT CJ4, or even input your flight plan manually, depending of course on what airplane and avionics package you’re using.

As far as not being able to delete individual waypoints, that’s the way it works with SIDs and STARs. They come “as a unit”, so to speak, so most (all?) avionics won’t let you delete just a waypoint. You have to unload the whole thing, or do as you said and go direct to if you want to skip one. But I’m a bit confused exactly what it is you are concerned about.

Oh, and if you’re talking about the U-Turn bug, there’s an awesome mod for the GNS530/430s (found in the steam gauge 172 and some addon aircraft), and the guy who made that is working on a new GTN (I think, I might have that acronym wrong, but it’s a competitor to the G1000 as I understand it) that have mostly rectified that problem. You can also improve it by using pilot2ATC, which replaces the default ATC and gives you enough heads up on STARs and approaches that it usually avoids the U-Turn bug altogether.


Lol I’m done with this. I didn’t say any of that. I stopped reading after the first line. Everything I said has been documented. You just don’t get it. Have a nice day sir

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