I don’t think the live traffic is that smart. With multiple generic aircraft, sure the sim can do matchmaking the aircraft based on engine type. But with only one generic, I would think any live traffic would use the A320 regardless of engine number mismatch. I would think with the level of “randomness” the sim applies on live traffic data and which one to spawn.
I figured it would be nearly impossible to test this theory. It’s difficult to tell whether a quad-engine doesn’t spawn because of it’s disabled, or because it’s one of those random times that it didn’t make the cut even if I have the quad engine enabled. Besides, Quad-engine plane is a dying breed anyway. Passenger airlines are ditching 747s and Airbus already stopped producing new A380s. I think Emirates would be the only one operating the A380s in the near future. And I’m sure they wouldn’t last long once they realised it’s going to be less and less economically viable to operate it.
Besides, I think I remember last year that the sim was spawning a quad-engine ai traffic for a 737 aircraft in real life traffic data. I always thought these are randomly selected. Since I’m also seeing an A350 real life traffic being spawned as a single engine prop plane in the sim air traffic.
That’s why I got so upset about these Live traffic model assignment and I made them as A320 for everything anyway. Remove the randomness from the equation to make it more consistent so the sim can focuses on matching A320 liveries. Even so, if there’s no matching liveries, the sim will pick a random livery to use anyway. So it’s not like there’s an actual smarts that goes behind it.
At the end of the day, I end up Disabling Name Plates anyway. They’re too much of a distraction when you see them and you end up looking at the livery, then comparing it and see whether they match or not. And that’s just taking it away from the enjoyment of actually flying. I turn them off (since texts don’t hover in mid-air in real life anyway). And when I see the A320 air traffic with its livery, then I just assume that’s the correct livery.
As for the ATC, I also don’t think it’s that smart. I hear some ATC chatter saying Heavy, sometimes it doesn’t regardless of how I set it, so I leave it alone. I don’t even think that parameter works in the first place too. Since all my A320 liveries have atc_heavy = 1 and none of them ever called me heavy. Heck, even the ATC callsign that I put in the aircraft.cfg (which all of them are correct) still have the ATC not use it, and use a callsign from their own outdated database anyway.
For example, CTV airline code in my livery aircraft.cfg is using callsign “Supergreen”, which is what I use and it’s the correct and current callsign. But when there’s an AirTraffic with CTV on them, the ATC will ignore the one I set in the aircraft.cfg and use callsign “AreAviacion” instead. Which after doing a quick google search it’s actually the callsign for an old flight school with the same CTV code. Since the current CTV airline started operating in 2001. I assume the ATC is working on a pre-2001 callsign database. At least for that particular airline.