Remove ground vehicles from active taxiways!

considering how much worse it is, I have some difficulty believing it is true (I am not doubting you heard them say it, I’m just doubting they were being accurate).

The basic use of it is the same, so maybe that is what they meant… But its actual functionality is much worse.

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As far as I know the taxiing aircraft has always precedence over vehicles. Never heard ATC to hold an aircraft. Maybe if there is a burning aircraft and the fire trucks have to speed to the location …

Interesting that you mention KSBA because I did a flight out of KSBA in sim about a week ago and there was a bus sitting on the taxiway not moving or doing anything. Didn’t get the hold call from ATC and another AI vehicle drove right through it so the game didn’t seem to know it was there.

Right of way and ATC instructions are very different. Fly a Cessna into a giant Intl. Airport and watch ATC tell you to do all kinds of things you aren’t used to. That being said its not like we came to an intersection and he told me to let them go. They were 500 or more feet in front of me and it was more of an advisory that fuel trucks were crossing.

ATC have told me numerous times to halt taxi, as there is traffic. At first I was looking around for other aircraft, and could see none, but it turned out to be a bus crossing the taxiway. As soon as it passed I was told to proceed with my taxi.

Totally agree, no reason why airport vehicles should enter an active taxi or runway… especially runway, I would think that would be an FAA violation of some sort :crazy_face:

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No, its really not that uncommon, such as F.O.D. sweeps, etc, vehicles are all over the place in real life, but they are talking to ground, and ground is telling you, or telling them where they can go and when. They don’t just go ripping across runways while a plane is on short final.

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It does mess with the feel of it.

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Yup I know that. I was just being silly… hence the silly face emoji lol. I think it’s self-evident what I meant is that the vehicles shouldn’t go streaking across the active runway when a plane has been cleared for take off or is on short final. … or worse they just stop on the runway or taxiway and play chicken. :chicken:

Please get airport vehicles under control! I like to see them around, but they seem to run riot. I was surrounded today … there were another two behind the camera viewpoint too:

A better way may be to force them to stick to specific routes, then you are forced to avoid them, rather than the other way around. I dread to think of the logic that has to go into controlling them.

Depending on how they did it, it really shouldn’t be complex at all. We know the sim is aware of your aircraft location as evidenced by the fact that fuel trucks can drive to you on request, and the gates at large terminals know which gate to move when you request them, etc.

So really all that needs to happen is that the vehicles need awareness of what segment of the taxiway you’re on, and simply do not enter that segment until you have moved on.

And while in real life, vehicles do transit runways, etc… There is no reason for them to do that in the sim, so just hard exclude them from transiting runways at all.

All of this kind of scripting exists in the game, AI planes know where to go, so there is no reason AI ground vehicles can’t do the same.

And if you taxi along near them, you will see they will pull up, or even swerve to avoid you. They just need to do a better job of not being where they aren’t supposed to be, as you say.

Agree, ground vehicles can be a nuisance. I was once blocked by a forklift
truck on a taxiway…ridiculous !

Not just ground vehicles… also people and lights/markers etc.


Haha! The people are suicidal lol.

Playing chicken (again) …

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The first lesson everybody learns when trying to get an apron driving license:

Aircraft always have the right of way.

Would be nice to see ground vehicles in FS actually stop before crossing taxiways when aircraft are near.

It happens to me all the time on each and every airport. Ground vehicles driving on the taxiway do not know what to do when an aircraft - like myself - comes across. They stop right where they are, blocking the way and waiting until you pass them somehow. This is most of the time not possible on the taxiway or besides since there are other vehicles or parked airplanes in the way. Only solution is to get around them by taxiing on the grass besides taxiways, that is not a realistic feeling by any means.

Airplanes on the other hand do not know how or where to taxi to. They stand there with their engines running and just sloooowly turn and turn in circles but do not go anywhere. If they manage to find their way on the taxiway and another airplane or vehicle is coming across, they behave just like the vehicles themselves and stop moving until the opponent gets out of their way. Bad situation if both airplanes or vehicles stop waiting for each other. That’s a classic deadlock.


I´m curious as to whether the developers intend to change the following errors, errors in relation to reality seems stupid #1- Unauthorized traffic on taxi/runways (trucks, cars, busses) whizzes around across moving aircrafttraffic -#2: The mysterious movements of workers in the apron in connection with aircraft-handling. Small things, maybe, but things that ruin the reality one expects from sims in this class. thx