Reno Race Stutters

Hey guys, I am having issues with the Reno Races stuttering massively. My GPU works fine and I get 40-50fps for the main sim experience at almost all high settings. Could this be a issue with Reno itself? Even trying at medium settings I am still stuttering. I have tried with and without G-sync and again it still stutters. Thanks!

I was getting the same thing.

It may be degaded server performance due to the updates and new Reno systems.

I’m going to give things a few days to settle down and let MS spin up more virtual servers as the monitor loads.

And then complain if necessary.

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Thanks, I appreciate the reply. That sounds like the best move right now. I’m just impatient :smile: I am particularly getting most of my stutters my around the 3rd marker. However, some of them linger throughout the race. Is there any specific place for you?

No particular marker. It was all over. In fact what made me think of the servers was everything just stopped for about 2 seconds and then resumed, then stuttered on and on.

The forum app has been behaving the same way. During my earlier post, I got disconnected while at the brewery. So I know it’s not my home internet or equipment.

Having been in IT for 25 years, this really feels like server bandwidth issues.

I am also experiencing a degraded performance in Reno to the point where I can’t even play.

I would keep giving it time or make a support ticket. It was recently fixed for me suddenly so I can confidently say it’s a server problem.

Mine just freezes even with high tech and a good fibred line.