Reno Racing League

We are going to be running a Reno Racing League in the not too distant future to be run on either a Saturday or a Sunday from about 19:00UTC.

The format will consist of 3 month seasons in the T6 and Unlimited classes to begin with, both of which will be divided into Gold, Silver and Bronze categories

This year will be used as a test and development period, with the league going into full swing in 2024. Details still need to be thrashed out . Voice communication is an absolute must in Discord

All races will be run in our private lobby and all are welcome, and training will be provided upon request

All those interested please just text YES in the ⁠reno-racing-league text channel. Just the one word and no discussions please. If you have questions please join the Bar voice channel and if no one is around, leave a text message


Here is a draft of the format and points system for the league which we intend to start in July with a test run to thrash out any issues and new ideas

Initially we will be running league format races to determine the starting rankings for the league’s different classes. Pilots will be ranked according to performance in races. This will allow new players and those with little experience to race against players of similar ability

Season Format:

Each season consists of 4 races per month

A Season will consist of 3 months

After the 4 races, the points are tallied for each player and points will accumulate per month for 3 months.

Only the player’s top 2 races are scored per week

The top 2 players from each class (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) at the end of a month will move up to the next class for the next month.

The bottom 2 players from each class will move down to the lower class for the next month.

The remaining 2 players from each class will stay in their respective classes for the next month.

At the end of the 3 month season an individual championship will be held as a separate event, with start classes and positions determined by the final total scores for that season

Overall Season Scoring:

At the end of the 4 seasons, the overall winner is determined by adding up the points from all seasons.

The player with the highest cumulative points across all seasons is the overall winner.

The year will finish with an open championship in all classes, using the random draw for the heats based on the MSFS2020 official series format

Points Distribution:
Gold Class:
1st place: 10 points
2nd place: 8 points
3rd place: 6 points
4th place: 4 points
5th place: 2 points
6th place: 1 point
Silver Class:
1st place: 8 points
2nd place: 6 points
3rd place: 4 points
4th place: 3 points
5th place: 2 points
6th place: 1 point
Bronze Class:
1st place: 6 points
2nd place: 4 points
3rd place: 3 points
4th place: 2 points
5th place: 1 point
6th place: 1 point

Please feel free to comment and discuss.

League has been paused until clarification of exactly how Reno will fit into MSFS2024

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