Reno Racing Qualification Issues

I have raced in a dozen Reno Races in the last two days. The add-on is a lot of fun. So far, I have run into a couple of issues with qualifying in bi-planes and T-6s (I have not tried Unlimited or Jet, yet):

  1. Twice when qualifying in bi-planes I have been “disqualified” immediately following the countdown. I had not crossed the first pylon or been warned that I was flying “Too High” or “Leaving the Race Area”. I use the term “disqualified” because I had a red x next to my name, no time was recorded and I was ranked last for the race.

  2. In a T-6 qualifier, I started facing the wrong direction on the track. I had to turn 180 degrees and then start my qualification run. Interestingly, the timer did not start until I cross the lap line. So, I did not lose any time. It was just a confusing disorienting start.

Has anybody else run into similar issues?

I had the issue 2. once so far.

VERY ANNOYING glitches indeed… I started from the ground at 0 KNTS then crashed, had the checklist opened in the last lap and crazy weird aerodynamics occuring without anyone around,…, always while winning as a matter of fact…
I could have smashed a dozen of 10€ mouse so far…
Sad thing is that,…, I don’t think they really care… $$€€

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funny every time I start a biplane time trial the sim starts me above 250 AGL and I start with a penalty!

I’ve had these and more. Many times the game has left me too high or even on the ground to start of with.

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