How would I go about removing all the black lines and getting the model ready for a repaint? Or better yet, if there is a blank livery ready for repaint out there that would be easier.
there should be a paintkit from Aerosoft “soon”
Thank you, I wanted to do a repaint in Air Inuit new livery but someone beat me to it.
For doing a repaint what is the best and easiest software to use?
The black lines are the decal objects. To clean things up, you select them and delete them so you only have the model remaining.
Thank-you. I will see what I can do. If not I’ll wait for the paint kit.
Finally the paint kit has come out. I would like to learn how to do liveries, I have a few questions. I am using GIMP with the DDS plugin.
- Is this the layer that I do the repaint on? minus the yellow and green lines of course. How do you know what the items that I have circled are and where they are on the aircraft? Is there an easy way to line up a stripe that extends onto the vertical stab? These are 2 separate files.
How do you save the finished textures? The extension is .PNG but the type is DDS image.
Can I copy someone else’s JSON file and add my information?
Do I need to use something else to import or build the package for it to work in MSFS? like the SDK?
Thank you for the replies and being patient. I am just trying to learn this stuff.