Repeated CTD's &

Quick quenstion, just in case, because you never know. Has anyone tried to clear the directx shader cache? It could help.

Back in the day when I could afford cutting edge and top of the range I must have been told at least a dozen times by various software support panels that my specs were too high and keep checking back for updates. Of course I got unofficial advice too but that is not the question here. Similarly if I were to put in a ticket to Zendesk complaining that my GT1030 can’t get more than 20fps what do you think they would say?

LOL, I knew it, you think this is the 1990’s still, this isn’t a cause of people’s CPU being too fast and the physics being locked to a frequency or something like that for crying out loud. LOL, dude just stop, you clearly don’t know how technology and bugs work, and that’s what it is, bugs created by Asobo in their software by THEM and it’s on THEM to fix it, not us, and not by messing with our systems, get a grip, telling people to do that isn’t helpful to anyone.


It is no different now than it was then and if it was my job and I was faced with such rudeness and accusations as displayed in some of these threads I promise you I would be advising people to come back when they have a supported PC.

I don’t know. Probably that a lot more information is needed since FPS issues are not just with a GPU. MS/Asobo has never published any guarantee supported FPS for any configuration spec. But that doesn’t mean they don’t or won’t fix performance problems. Resolving both performance and graphics issues have been and continue to be a high priority.

Of course but in my case they are not obliged to. … and don’t worry, since SU5 I can get much more than 20fps out of this little nugget :smiley:

Yes, it is different, technology and software moves on, clearly you haven’t and learnt much along the way, and you are the one being rude by going down the route like some do of automatically blaming the user and their PC, not helpful.

We all have supported PC’s, holy ■■■■ that’s a dumb statement. Hey, go tell that kind of thing to those using the Xbox version that are also seeing the same bugs AND crashes we are on PC, tell them they need to under clock their consoles CPU because it’s too fast for flight simulator. :laughing:

I guess you will never understand but X box users aren’t crashing in those three particular aircraft.

Anyway goodnight.

Never said anything about aircraft, and it doesn’t matter, goodnight, go learn about how PC’s, software and bugs work before giving advice here, and if your advice after that isn’t sit tight and hope Asobo fix’s what THEY broke you are only making things worse. Also learn what Recommended Specs means too, and that it has nothing to do with support ending if you have anything higher. :roll_eyes:


If you search my name in this forum I have post a lot regarding this issue and provide help to fellow flight simmers who experiencing the same and was never judge them if or not they have done even the simplest troubleshooting method. I wasted a lot of my precious time to play again this sim that I loved so much after they released SU5. When you replied to me that help stop at my high end PC.

I even reformat my Windows five team just to make sure that it is clean, ran only basic Windows app so that it won’t crash on my PC. Surprisingly it does.

I keep updated my Zendesk ticket whenever I encounter new CTD with every troubleshooting I did. Hope it will help them too to solve the issue.

I even invest money during this troubleshooting by purchasing another Premium MSFS2020 from Microsoft Store just to see if that version is more stable than the Steam Premium version. Sadly its not and still CTD.

I even purchased 3rd party apps to removed, clean and keep my PC driver up-to-date.

If you ask me the first time, I would have told you what I have done (troubleshooting) to isolate the problem.

Anyway, all is good. I’m still figuring out how to solved this CTD LOL.

At the meantime, using propeller aircraft is more stable for me.

Not sure if this will help anyone, but I had tried flying in the Longitude (with mod) from YMLT-YSTW yesterday and around north of Sydney (BTH) CTD.

I rolled back my nVidia graphics driver to 471.41 and not only does it look nicer (colours and contrast) but works nicely with no crash. I also downclocked my card (GTX1080ti) - as someone else had said in these forums, by -60Hz.

There was one long pause (1min or so) in the same sort of area (north of Sydney) but it recovered and proceeded to complete the flight properly.

No idea if this is geographic related as I had flown from Bankstown to Warnervale on the JF PA28 turbo the other day with no problems.

I do think a lot CTDs are related to instability in how the sim works with (nVidia) graphics drivers. No idea about AMD, but I suspect they may have similar probs if its in the sim.
Hopefully they’ll sort it…

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I’m not saying this is you but when every second poster is basically spouting ‘I don’t care about normal users, I’ve got this huge overspecced rig and I expect constant photgraphic quality even if it means that others can’t fly’ it really does gets a bit tiresome, especially as to a man they know this sim is nowhere near the finished product.

I also get tired of reading posts (and once again this isn’t you) basically exclaiming ‘the xyz superjet I bought at great expense from a 3rd party has stopped working, you broke it so fix it’ especially as to a man they know it the fix has to come from the 3rd party that produced it, and yet they still insist on using them much like those that can’t live without their mods for a few weeks even though they are probably the cause of their CTDs. And I refuse to even discuss the stubborness of some overclockers on here.

As for the high end PCs, Asobo, Microsoft or anyone on here cannot see inside them, cannot test their software on them and it and it would IMO be asking too much to expect them to replicate these rigs when clearly they have set reference points described as ideal. It doesn’t mean you won’t get support, not at all but it does put you outside the the duty of care sphere of regular users.

That’s my opinion and I have a lot more so don’t ask! and I look forward to the day when all this is all behind us. Happy flying.

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normaly not related to ctd… they are just one time compiled and next time the gpu has less work. ( In some games you will notice the time for re-compile ). I let it clean from time to time with the normal windows cleanup.

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Yesterday was my 7th clean windows update and I wanted to do this time in perfect order, regardiong driverds and updates. Install the sim again and still the ctd are even worse now. I literary give up. IT has caused so much stress and frustration. Will be easier to go take a flying school. My brother runs it just fine on his laptop, but i keeo crashing.

Yeah, i know. It is kind of a stretch. But there is always that little bit of what if.

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It is not for us to seek,
Asobo delivers a buggy version
I am ready to do research if he meets the zendesk tickets that I make

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If your tickets are as detailed as your posts then good luck :neutral_face:

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Just patiently but unrestingly waiting for a new
update hoping I will be able to fly again sigh…

Unlikely unless you get rid of the exFat which even if made compatible will only slow things down once we have DX12

How does DX12 cause exFAT (a hard drive format) cause slowness? I’m starting to believe that you don’t know half of what you’re talking about? Please site references from now on when stating these kind of incriminating things please. Also, please stay on topic too.