I’m having troubles connecting to the servers.
Logged-out and in from Xbox gave no result.
Also restarting computer has no effect.
Internet connection is fine as I can post this message.
Has anyone else the same?
Have the same. Servers are down. Markeplace not available and bing maps too. Germany.
Same, tried connecting from vairous places via VPN, logged out/in, ‘fixed’ xbox NAT settings.
Same here … Africa
Yesterday evening everything was fine
Ok, it’s not me then.
Thank you very much!
We’ll wait patiently for the servers to come up again.
Same here in Australia
It was fine an hour ago.
Same in UK.
Same here, and I just got the patch fully downloaded.
same united kingdom
same here in the land down under
Yup, I’m in the UK and get connection lost error message
Seems to be a worldwide issue - Germany also down.
Also in Italy I cannot proceed with the update and the game shows me a connection issue.
same here. i have stable internet connection but i cant log onto game servers
Same here. Italy is down, I repeat, Italy is down!
Seems like we have to wait until the server network is up and stable again… Same to me in GER
After update yesterday evening, today connection lost. Italy.