Repository for user created scenery, airports... Loaded ingame on the fly

You either subscribe to the repository or you don’t.

Ofc. is a major project to administer and craves some work from asobo, but the heavy load of maintaining the repository would be done by the community.

You only (down)load the stuff if you are in the vicinity like default scenery, BUT you do not have 1000GB’s of folders that you maintain and keep up to date yourself.

You could maybe subscribe to High/Low LOD versions, only products rated so and so by the community…

The possibilities are endless.

Mostly when i start msfs2020 i have not a clear idea of where i am going to fly as it depends on the time of day, the weather and my mood. So i often end up nice new places i did not know i would go. Because of that i do not see the wonderful airport in the middle of nowhere that a user so kindly and with great effort have made. I end up only having my local airport and a few iconic sceneries installed. What a shame.

I trust that the community could make it work, but no (short term) money in it for asobo/MS so i am sure this only stays as a dream.

Hi there,
Sorry to close this. I’m closing it because the developers have committed to doing the scenery gateway system. That being said, Jorg Neumann, head of Microsoft Flight Simulator, has asked for feedback on the scenery gateway. If you would like to share your insights, you can email with your suggestions!

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