Hey Hali !
Ahah, I’m glad it helped. It was fun coming here and having “a mssion coming from the real world” 
And now we know your sim “can” do better. Agreed that the docks are kind of flat. Also, the boats are painted on the water. Which is very visible when flying an heli so low, but when doing “normal VFR operations” somewhere over the 1000ft, looks actually pretty good (without putting your computer on the knees ^^).
Let’s try to find some ideas for your sim. I’m not an expert, but here are some ideas.
It’s a big computer, with details on Ultra
It’s probably important to start with that : I’m on PC. I think an XBox can achieve the same level, but I’m not 100% sure. My setup is pretty powerful : it’s an RTX4090 graphical card with a intel i9-13000 processor. It can render a lot of things with a pretty good framerate.
Todo : I should try to redo the video with graphical settings at the lowest position, to see what does it look like.
World updates
My sim is kind of raw, in that part of the world, the only thing I have installed is the World Update 2 and the World Update 10 : USA. Minneapolis might have been overhauled for on of this update.
To install the World Updates / City update, it’s free, and it’s in the marketplace, in the sim, in the “World Category”.
I’m not a big expert of that point, but I think that photogrammetry here plays a role in how the buildings are being rendered. If I look at this map (which is a community effort, thanks to the authors !), it seems that Minneapolis and Saint-Paul may have received some work .
It’s worth checking in your config in the sim that “Data > Photogrammetry” and “Data > Bing Maps data” are checked. For the record : I don’t use any mod about “map enhancement”, what you’ve seen there are pure MSFS data.
Trees and Accuseaon
I’m gonna have to check how much Accuseason have changed the trees. But I already can say that it doesn’t add trees, by the ads. It cut them short in height, sometimes. And change their colors, always (to make it look like in Spring, or Winter …). And it remove some of them in large cities (for example when you have trees on large roads). So, forests remain basically the same, except that the canopy can look more natural.
Todo : I should try to redo the video to see what it looks like without Accuseason.
I’m probably going to make that 15mn flight with some changes in my setup, just to see.
Oh, and by the way : very nice place ! Thanks for having me flying there 