Resize the too large asphalt ground textures

This “bug” came together with the inappropriate oversized 3d grass at MSFS release ( everyone complained about it and it has been fixed quickly).

Asphalt still looks too big, especially in VR and with low/ small aircraft.

Is it a small “eye candy” or an important detail?

Well, if you fly in real life, you use your peripheral vision to properly flare in small aircraft ( as you dont see forward)… and a way to feel the height is to estimate the size of known objects or environment.
Seeing asphalt like big chunks affects the height perception, especially in VR…

It can be fixed easily ( just smaller textures), like it was done for 3d grass ( remember the pictures of a C172 near the grass at first release ).

(Picture taken from another post as an example)

Thanks for supporting that one!

No but I do remember struggling for performance after such changes even with supported hardware.