Retired, Real World Pilot looking for others

Please give me ya’lls IN-SIM name so I can send invites?

Real world :slight_smile:

Awesome. Sent you an invite in the sim.

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Heading to Sonoma in a Cessna if you folks are on 7PM Sat. Tennessee time. DISCORD Channel MSFS FLIGHT 01 RWP_Turnip

Sounds good! Will accept sometime tomorrow when I fire up the sim. Happy flying. :small_airplane:

Golfing, amazing sport, nice!!

I would suggest that as a new group, you either join an existing Discord , or better still, as a group, make you own.

Then you can
(a) Easily all communcate with each other with messages
(b) use the audio chat feature of Discord to talk LIVE to each other while flying, or for non-flying discussions
(3) Share steams of your Video, so others in your Discord can “SEE” your flying

Really, getting your own FREE Discord Server is the way to go…

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