Return/Enter key not working properly - ATC Readback

:white_check_mark: SIM INFORMATION

This is vital information for our test team, please do not skip it or your issue may not be able to be reproduced or fixed.

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 or 2024:

  • Version Build Number (Where do I locate that?):

  • Game Platform (Exampe: Steam, Xbox, MS Store):
    MS Store

:white_check_mark: ISSUE DESCRIPTION

  1. Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?

  2. Description of the issue:
    After the landing of the PPL Certification at EDHL I leave the runway, hold short, got handover to ATC Ground, Request instructions to taxi to parking location, ones the information came from ATC the “Enter” Button do not work anymore to readback to ATC. Also in ATC Menu only the option “Say Again” is present. From there the Certification is stuck in this state.

:white_check_mark: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

How often does this occur for you? (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)
4 times in the row I’ve done this certification

:white_check_mark: REPRODUCTION STEPS

Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue.

  1. Do PPL Certification at EDHL
  2. Complete the landing and leave the runway
  3. Try to get parking information

:white_check_mark: YOUR SETTINGS

If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

  1. What peripherals are you using, if relevant:
    Thrustmaster Captain Pack

  2. [PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

  3. [PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?

  4. [PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?
    GeForce RTX 4080 Super

  5. [PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?
    NVIDIA Systeminformationen-Bericht erstellt am: 11/20/2024 17:17:21
    Version der NVIDIA-App:
    Betriebssystem: Microsoft Windows 11 Home, Version 10.0.22631
    DirectX-Laufzeitversion: DirectX 12
    Treiber: Game Ready Treiber - 566.14 - Tue Nov 12, 2024
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 8-Core Processor
    RAM: 32.0 GB
    Speicher: SSD - 1.8 TB

GPU-Prozessor: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER
Direct3D-Funktionsebene: 12_1
CUDA-Kerne: 10240
Grafik-Taktfrequenz: 2580 MHz
Größenverstellbare Leiste: Ja
Speicher-Datenrate: 23.00 Gbps
Speicherschnittstelle: 256-Bit
Speicherbandbreite: 736.064 GB/s
Gesamter verfügbarer Grafikspeicher: 32322 MB
Dedizierter Videospeicher: 16376 MB GDDR6X
System-Videospeicher: 0 MB
Gemeinsam genutzter Systemspeicher: 15946 MB
IRQ: Nicht benutzt
Bus: PCI Express x16 Gen4
Geräte-ID: 10DE 2702 F30510B0
Teilenummer: G139 0355

Anzeige (1): DELL C3422WE
Auflösung: 3440 x 1440 (nativ)
Bildwiederholfrequenz: 60 Hz
Desktop-Farbtiefe: Maximum (32 Bit)
HDCP: Unterstützt

Anzeige (2): Samsung U28E590
Auflösung: 4k x 2k, 3840 x 2160 (nativ)
Bildwiederholfrequenz: 30 Hz
Desktop-Farbtiefe: Maximum (32 Bit)
HDCP: Unterstützt

:white_check_mark: MEDIA

Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.

I am also having this issue.

I was able to get past it initially by restarting the game, but am now running into it again on the first 45min mission you do after the PPL. I am unable to “Press Enter to request takeoff clearance”, and thus also unable to proceed with the mission. I am however able to press Enter to invite the guests into my plane on the same mission.

same at EDHL

In the familiarization flight I don’t get the upwind end marker. It shows a distance of 3045 and the marker is hugging the plane. My joystick and throttle control are backwards.

I don’t think this stops you finishing the mission. I got a “B” on my PPL taking off from the taxiway without any clearance (serious).

Had the same issue. For me it helped to have a little crash with the plane (going to fast and flip to the site on the ground). My plane was reset afterwards and I could go to parking position and finished the PPL with a B

I have this Issue also. I was also able to get the PPL, but in the First Mission I‘m unable to get ATC clearance.

I‘ve tried already to Change the key for this Action to a different one, without success and restarted the Game and Mission several times

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024:

Version Build Number:

Game Platform: Steam


  1. Description of the issue:

I went in the career mode and tried to get my first licence, the PPL. When I got in the Exam/Flight everything worked, beside that at the end I could not press enter to repeat the instruction from the tower, then I looked up in the Communication tab, if I could do it manually, but this wasnt an option. Furthermore, after that you could just taxi to the parking stand, but this wasnt possible, because it said I need to reply to the tower, that doesnt worked.

  1. Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?

I never Installed community mods or add-ons, so there is nothing to be removed for me.

How often does this occur for you?

It happens every time I try to pass the PPL.

Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue.

  1. Started the game normaly, whitout mods etc.
  2. Started career mode
  3. Did the first flight and tried to do the PPL (the issue came in)

If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

  1. What peripherals are you using, if relevant:

  2. [PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

No i didnt

  1. [PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?


  1. [PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?

RTX 4090

  1. [PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?

GPU: RTX 4090
CPU: I9-10900F
RAM: 32 GB 3200MHz

Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring:

Also having this issue, quite frustrating as the career mode was what I was looking most forward to in this game, but can’t progress. I was able to make it past the PPL, but am having the same issue (can’t press enter to request taxi or takeoff clearance) on the first mission after the PPL.

Tried rebinding the “validate” and “quick reply” buttons, but still didn’t work.

Had the same problem. Returned to parking position wihtout ATC, then exited the aircraft. Got my PPL anyway :wink:

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ATC has issues. I’ve done multiple missions where you contact ATC, there is nothing, but then your requested to reply. Lots of work to be done. Lots of bugs, lots of issues. Still enjoying it though.

So for anyone having this issue, I was able to fix it by resetting the career mode and choosing a different airport (from Penticton Regional Airport (YYF), to
Qualicum Beach Airport (XQU, CAT4)).

ATC worked fine at XQU and had no issues getting past PPL and first flight missions.

Thanks! Had the same issue, but your suggestion to exit the aircraft with Shift-C seemed to make the mission script advance to the next item.

I hopped back in the plane and completed the park and shutdown sequence.

Opinion of Sim decreasing :expressionless:

Atc worked and told me to hold short runway 23L then contact tower on 118.63. It says frequency not in use and thats in free flight cessna 152 on vfr flight plan. Pressed shift c to exit the aircraft then got back in. Nothing. Even dialed in the frequencies manually. On Xbox

I am also unable to request taxi in the ppl exam at edhl. Taxied and parked anyway, shut down the a/c but that did not finish the exam. Will try exiting the door as mentioned here.

I cannot even get in the plane to start the Taxi lesson. Also controls like crouch and run do not work. XBSX

How did you reset the career mode @Vicinity77 ?

Same here EDFE.

Any solution available ?

Same problem here - PPL was no problem, but it also appeared in some of the first missions. Unable to request taxi via enter. Very annoying - it’s game breaking for me. Any solution?


Description of the issue:

Flight Simulator 2024 didn’t always respond to me pressing the return/enter key.

I have now flown my 4 “first flight” missions. In all of them I’ve had trouble sending requests or confirming messages over the radio.
The first time was in the first mission I flew. It started when I was going to register before taxiing out onto the track. I restarted the mission twice but the problem persisted. So I restarted the computer and then it worked until I was about to land.
All of the first four missions had problems with radio communication in some situations. Especially at the end of the missions.

It would be noce if one could click at the message as a reserv option.

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?

I have no add-ons or mods installed


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?

In 4 of the 4 missions I have flewn


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Press return to request boarding - worked
  2. Press Ctrl-E to start engine - worked
  3. Press return ro request taxi clearance - Nothing happens
  4. I pressed Alt-N to skip to takeoff and taxied out and took off
  5. Connet to arrival airport via ATC or press return - Nothing happens
  6. Landed without clearence to land
  7. Press return to request taxi to parking clearance - Nothing works
  8. I pressed Alt-N to skip to shutdown
  9. Ctrl-■■■■-E to shutdown - worked


If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

What peripherals are you using, if relevant:

Logitech G510 keyboard
Logitech MX518 Mouse
Thurtle-Beach VelocityOne Yoke
Thrustmaster T.Flight Rudder Pedals

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

No to both

[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?


[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?

Windows 11 home 64 bit
Swedish language (use english in flight sim)
Processor: 12th Gen Inten Core i7-12700K (20 CPU) ~3.6GHz
32GB Ram


Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.

An image would not say anything here


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