Reverb G2 Microstutter/Position Fidgeting at menu looking down?

On the Reverb G2 (I have a radeon 6800xt) when you are in MSFS menu screen and position your head looking down at the grid background and hold your head very still does it look like the lines are vibrating for you?, it is not noticeable when looking ahead to the grid behind or around the menu. I don’t think it is a FPS/GPU/CPU issue specifically as with very high FPS it is still apparent.
If I close one eye it still seems to happen making me think it is not related to fps (which is obviously much higher at the menu anyway) and is perhaps associated with minute positional tracking input adjustments? I feel like this passes into the game but only when looking down rather than at objects at distance.
Just curious if I am getting a normal or atypical experience, thanks.

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