Like many, I was initially very disappointed with the sweet spot on the HP Reverb G2. It was as though there were 2-3 degrees in the very center that were sharp then a massive clarity falloff when not looking at that central spot. My video card was the RTX 2080Ti.
I recently upgraded to an RTX 3090 and I am using the nvidia 457.30 drivers. I have the OpenXR custom render scale disabled and motion reprojection disabled. Within MSFS, I have now have the render scale set to 100 and the difference is massive. I literally couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the clarity difference for the first time. The sweet spot is now very large (like the whole size of the G1000 from a normal viewing distance).
Is it possible the driver or WMR is performing something similar to fixed foveated rendering when the render scale is reduced?
I think something is happening in software that results in the sharp region being dynamically adjusted.
This may be a part of the reason why some claim the Reverb G2 sweet spot is great (me with the 3090) while others find it annoyingly small (me with the 2080Ti).
I would not have ever picked up on this were it not for a video card/settings upgrade and before/after testing.
Have you tried with OpenXR render scale at 100%? When you disable it or leave it for the software to decide, the scale will adjust randomly depending on how much processing power your GPU has. I’ve settled on 80% on mine and 100% in SIM as my fps will drop by 5-6fps on my 6800XT. Your eyes also adjust to the sweetspot after a few weeks. My brain learned to turn the head instead of my eyeballs and the sweetspot has not been much of a issue, but if I pay attention, I realize only the center 30% is clear. The rest is a blurry mess.
I’ll give it a try. I am very happy with the performance and clarity with the current settings, but am curious how setting the render scale at 100 in OpenXR will compare.
I believe unless you used the custom render scale then OpenXR was automatically scaling for you based on GPU.
I noticed similar by the way from 2070S to 3090, when I first jumped into steamVR it was like I had a new headset on.
I think the Reverb G2, while not perfect by a freaking long shot, is getting a bit of an unfair trashing in places about it’s visuals due to improper positioning and weaker GPUs. I’ve seen elsewhere several people complaining about the clarity and it turns out they are running at 50% in steam because their GPUs can’t cope.
Despite the nagging USB issues I’m massively enjoying the G2 and the 3090 has gone a long way towards making the experience closer to optimal, but even then it doesn’t always quite managed to run the G2 to potential.
Something is definitely happening in MSFS because in XP11 the sweet spot is much larger.
It is so different I’m no longer using VR in MSFS it simply is bad!
I also seem to recall a clarity difference using different nVidia drivers.
452.06 - soft/blurry image throughout, small sweet spot, very smooth framerates
457.30 - sharper image throughout, much larger sweet spot, pretty smooth framerates
461.40 - extremely sharp image and sweet spot (it appears as though antialiasing is disabled altogether) but the framerate stutters like mad.
Have you tried adjusting your IPD on the headset? I found that I had a really tiny sweet spot on my Reverb G2 until I widened the IPD using the slider on the bottom of the headset. Once I made the chance the sweet spot doubled or tripled in size for me. I
I did. While adjusting the IPD moved the tiny sweet spot around I did not notice it increasing in size.
What I did notice however is that focusing on the instruments in the cockpit requires a smaller IPD than when focusing outside the aircraft (e.g. looking at the ground while flying). I’m guessing that as your eyes have to converge on a closeup object where you are physically looking through the lens changes.
Now with the 457.30 driver on the 3090, the sweet spot is so large that I can comfortably look around with my eyes and not worry about the dramatic clarity drop off I experienced before.
I ran DDU and did a clean install of driver 457.30, which I have done previously. Then OpenXR custom render scale disabled and motion reprojection disabled (previously tried 50 and 100 for render scale). The result is a sweet spot the size of the PFD, it was tiny previously.
That’s amazing! I’m glad to see it worked for someone else.
This lends credence to the theory that the settings and driver are indeed having an impact on the Reverb G2’s sweet spot. This is counterintuitive because you would think sweet spot would be determined by hardware/lens quality alone.
Hi @Beulah6126 : I don’t know if this will work for you, but try setting OXR to 150% renderscale and within the SIM to 70% with TAA and without Motion Reprojection. Hardware permitting you can set the LOD to well over a hundred…
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried extensively different combinations. 150/70, 130/80, 100/100, 90/100, 80/100, 70/120, etc, you get the picture.
Came to a conclusion that OpenXR down scale produces much better graphics than in sim render resolution. the difference between 80 and 100 in OpenXR is really negligible and gives me the best visual/performance. I am currently rocking steady, stutter free 40 fps with pretty much all ultra except for the cloud and AO (high/low) on my 10850K@5Ghz/6800XT@2650Mhz set up. This is actually as good as what people are getting out of RTX3090 at the moment.
Interesting @Beulah6126. Thanks for sharing. So you settled on OXR 80 and 100 TAA in the Sim? I’ll have to try some more this week. For me personally, I care most about having hi-res outside views with everything being crisp long distance.
Yes. OXR 80, reprojection disabled. In MSFS, render resolution 100, TAA for antialiasing (I am not sure who started this trend of combining render resolution with AA, but they are two separate settings and should not be combined). This gives the best cockpit/scenery details. When you start lowering render resolution in sim, the visuals degrade much quicker than the OXR scaling. Try both and you will come to the same conclusion.
You are right they are separate things and using them together makes it shorter to write and indicate the FS2020 scale setting and the anti-alias at once. This make it distinguishable from the OpenXR Scaling (OXR##) or the SteamVR Scaling (SS##), and you could also suggest for example: FXAA70 + OXR100 which makes it concise and unambiguous too!
Sweetspot in any VR headset does not have anything to do with graphics drivers. Its about the IPD and how close you can get to the lenses. However performance is driver related and good frames, stutter and judder free experience matters.