My G2 V1 has been working great with the new cable. But, when the BF sale came around, I couldn’t pass up on the G2 for $340 (with student discount). I spent the last week comparing the two side by side and I must say I am quite taken by the difference I didn’t expect to see. I don’t use controllers and already had the new cable so really the difference was the newer gasket that brings eyes closer to the lens. When I set up the V2, boy, was I genuninely suprised. With the orginial gasket, my sweet spot was about 25% circle in the middlle. That sweet spot increased to about 60%. Now I don’t have turn my head as much to get a clear focus. What was even more surprising is the increased FOV in the cockpit. In TBM, I used to see about half of the right Garmin 3000 screen. WIth the new gasket, I am seeing all three within view. But, the real beneift comes in the form of larger world scale. Now that my eyes are closer to the lens with increased FOV, everything seems larger in scale. This new version has really surpassed my low expectation in every way. Now, you don’t need to go out and buy a new headset. Just wait for HP to sell the gasket or do a third party mod. I never really believe that getting closer to the lens would make such a significant differece to both the FOV and the sweet spot, but it did.
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You don’t need G2 Rev. 2 to enjoy the shallower gasket. You can 3D print it, buy (3rd party) it or even get rid of the original gasket and use only some foam cushion like the one from VR Cover. See the Frankenfov and Frankenfov de Luxe videos by MRTV on YouTube.
I still have G2 Rev. 1 and I can’t imagine flying with the original HP deep gasket.
I’m not wearing glasses, this is prerequisite for using the shallower gasket.
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