[Review] DA50 RG by Skyward Simulations

I am not usually one to write a review on aircraft, but the Skyward Simulations DA50RG is very underrated in my opinion and worthy of mention.


I purchased the DA50RG after much deliberation on whether I really needed it in my hanger. Having the A2A Comanche and the FSR 500, I figured this plane would fit a middle ground between the two in terms of speed, avionics, and utility. At right around the price of a cocktail ($16 USD), I figured it was worth a try even if it was a complete flop. I had moderate expectations for this add on due to the price, figuring it was somewhat like the Carenado aircraft which aren’t bad but don’t take your breath away either.

Modeling and Sounds

Upon loading it into the game the quality of the exterior and interior modelling immediately caught my eye. It looked like a $45 plane and not a $16 plane in my opinion - especially in the beautiful blue livery. The interior greatly exceeded my expectations as well in both day and night lighting. It looks great, it sounds great, and on first impression, we were off to a strong start.

Avionics and Flight Model

The avionics system goes off the default G1000Nxi by WT but I noticed the screens themselves seem a bit more matte in the sunlight than other G1000Nxi models in the sim - creating a glare effect in direct sunlight. This little detail was nice to find as in most real G1000 aircraft - the screens are indeed matte and difficult to see in the sunlight. The flight model was incredibly easy to fly without being excessively dull. After watching some videos on the real DA50, I realized that the agility and stability of the aircraft in the sim was not an attempt to copy a simple flight model - but actually true to the real deal. Finally, the 4 included liveries kept things interesting between flights with the red and blue liveries being my favorite.

FPS and Performance

Then there’s the actual performance of the aircraft in the sim. With such complex modeling and a glass cockpit, I expected it to perform poorly in the sim but was pleasantly surprised to find frame rates above 40FPS even in complex scenery environments. I rarely encountered stutters and have yet to experience an ABO or CTD to date. This, in my opinion, is an incredibly difficult feat for such a detailed aircraft. I don’t know how they pulled this off, but more dev’s need to get in on this.

Immersion and Fun Factor

Overall, the DA50RG is a joy to fly. So much so that I decided to take the time to write this review and take all the screenshots. I have spent a lot of time in the sim with highly immersive aircraft from the likes of PMDG, A2A, FSW and so on. Yet, this $16 plane has found itself a spot near the top of my podium as far as the best overall aircraft in the sim. While the DA50 lacks a EFB or failures simulations, I personally find myself spending little time with those features in other aircraft anyway. When it comes to something immersive that you can jump in to and go sightseeing, this little bundle of joy is one you shouldn’t miss out on!


I have to put right foot continually because she does not fly straight…
Did you notice that too ?

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Good review and couldn’t agree more. I think you might like the COWS DA-42 even more though.


There are two reasons why I passed on this one. First, it’s a single, so it won’t be as fast as most of the twins I fly. Second, it has the same style cockpit as the stock DS62, which has rather poor visibility due to the placement of the front pillar. The DA42 twins are small hotrods with outstanding visibility.

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Personally I did not. The fuel config drains from the L tank and so on longer flights you have to transfer fuel R-L to keep the balance though. I’m not sure if I’m setting it up right but that’s how it’s been working on mine.

Personal Comments and Observations

MrTommyMxr (one of the devs) has properly set the fuel xfer pump fo auto shut off after the target tank has been filled to a certain level.

But looking at the cockpit picture you posted, you have the same problem…

I don’t have this aircraft (yet ?? ) but in a typical single some right rudder is required to keep the flight coordinated.
I can’t obviously tell you if this is excessive here or not. But I am fairly certain that if MRTommy was involved with the flight model it is pretty much on the nose.

Use rudder trim. I have this plane and have no problem, it just need some trim.

If I remember correctly, there is no rudder trim modeled in this plane.
I can bind it to a physical switch but everytime I make a turn and add foot, it resets the trim…



So…I don’t find any rudder trim lever in the cockpit.
Can you show me where it lays or point me to the user manual if it’s described in it ?
Because I see the graphic you show but without any lever in the cockpit, I can’t modify the trim.
I’ve bound direction governor (or something called like that in english) to physical keys and when I activate them, they acts on the rudder BUT the rudder trim graphic in the bezel does not change. And each time I put my foot on the rudder to turn, the “trim” is reset.
Maybe I don’t use the correct thing to bind.
I’d be glad if you can help me to set this rudder trim.

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Usually, I don’t notice the imbalance until it gets pretty drastic. Therefore, I only use the xfer pump once I feel a distinct drop on one wing.

I have been a glider pilot IRL and my instructor hammered in my head to fly straight…
Some things stay…

IRL the rudder trim switch is on the front side the power lever. We tried modeling switches on the back side, but was pretty much unusable.

Ok, thanks. I’ve found the right key-binding. The description was obscur in the msfs option panel in French…

Thanks :+1:

It would be nice if the DA50 RG was in simbrief for making flight plans.

I found this. Maybe it will help or you can tweak it.

I absolutely love it. It looks great, flies great and sounds great. Diamond always got my attention, espacialy the DA50, so I couldnt get around it. You are right, this one is very underrated. Seems like it doesnt get much attention in the community, which is kind of sad.