[REVIEW] Milano Linate (LIML) by JetStream Designs

Here’s my review of Milano Linate (LIML) that JetStream Designs released late last week. It’s a really good airport with great visuals (and optional static aircraft, which is rare and great), and it’ll become even better once the developer fixes a few small functional flaws.

There’s a full flyover video and a couple of approaches to see how it feels. :smiley:

As usual, hope you like it and that it’s useful for some of you :smiley:

Here’s an update. JetStream designs told me that an update fixing both the ILS and the ATC parking issues is coming tomorrow. They also provided me with a test version of the fix, and I can confirm it works as intended. :smiley:

Do we know if this scenery will come to either FS Marketplace, or Orbx Direct?? Thanks

not sure about the marketplace, but I don’t think this developer’s previous scenery (Paris Orly) is there either. As for Orbx, I doubt it, because they’re on the “rival” client, Contrail.

Shame, I don’t want to have to open too many accounts in so many different places :laughing:

This is a great looking airport. No problem with ATC directing my A320 to the gate. As of this moment the ILS is still offset from the runway. A really nice flight from EGLL with being directed low (safely :slight_smile:) over the scenic mountains toward the approach. Recommended!

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On 30/11/2023 airport LIML - Linate changed runway from 18/36 to 17/35 due to changement in earth’s magnetic field.
I have purchased this scenery on Marketplace and I hope that asap JetStream Designs update it with new the runway.
I sent an email to JetStream support but till today no one answered me.

Good news :wink:
JetStream answered to my email confirming that they are working on LIML scenery and soon an update will be available.

They recently updated LFRS to v2 so presumably (or hopefully) they’ll do the same with LIML.

Hi Abriael, I am having issues with LIML 35 alignment…I still am a bit too high on ILS approach…could you send me the update/patch…I have the latest 1.20 version of LIML but still arriving too high in APPR mode…
Thanks a lot for your help