Rex releases Global Airport Textures

Yeah, I have Zinertek, and that’s good advice. To be fair I think it’s great as it is, but free upgrades are also nice.

I’ll keep an eye on this one too.

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Will do a side by side comparison when V2 drops the next week but I can seem myself sticking with REX.


So this requires two installations, one to install the REX installer and then another to install into the community folder.

What’s wrong with a simple zip file? Such overly complicated setups that adds even more programs to your PC. If that wasn’t enough they also tell you to do the following:

I should’ve waited for Zinertek.

It was explained on avsim already that that those steps are only in case users are having issues installing. It’s not required to follow for installation.

The first install is for the application itself, the UI for options etc.

Because a simple Zip file can be easily shared everywhere. Preventing you to sign in and validate if you have properly purchased the addon. But then again, installing into the community folder is also prone to just zipping that file and sharing it everywhere either…

Shouldn’t you have a third-party developer tag by now?

They claim that this is supposed to be optimized for performance so there is no FPS loss, i just hope its true since they are including a whole bunch of PBR.

Would be interesting to know if anyone has noticed anything regarding performance

No noticable impact on performance for me.

Logically speaking, assuming the textures themselves are the same size, then changing the colour of the pixels should have no impact on performance.

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Zero change in performance and I am just on an rtx2060super on 1440p wide. Not the latest and greatest GPU but they kept their word.


It just appeared on the Orbx site as coming soon

It’s also already sold on JustFlight, in case someone has reward points to spend.

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It has been released on OrbX but it costs 20% more than on the other stores.



This is by far the biggest price difference I’ve seen including the ingame store. I was waiting for the OrbX release but now I’m buying at JustFlight. No reason to pay additional 20% for the same product.

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I saw that this morning and did exactly the same as you. I generally like ORBX because of their installation app but I’m not being ripped off.

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A question if anyone can help or maybe it’s one of those questions where a crystal ball is needed.
When installing the program it seems to make significant updates to the flight sim files as why else would they ask for you to change notifications within UAC. Does this mean that everytime there’s an MSFS update that it is going to detect changed (corrupted files in its view) files and initiate very large downloads to overwrite the global texture updated files. Just wondering…
Just reread that and hope it makes sense…

It doesn’t change MSFS files.
The troubleshooting instructions regarding UAC and antivirus is just that some heuristics detect if a program downloads files from the web including some that look like executables, which matches the pattern of trojans.
Don’t do any of it if your installer works fine. Only if it doesn’t try the steps one by one.

The result of the installer is simply a folder in yiur community folder, and that remains through MSFS updates.

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Thanks for clarification

Gotta disagree here gents.Just looked at the prices.Justflight,$17.95…USD converts to $23.63…AUD.OrbixDirect…$23.30…AUD…Guess I’ll go with Orbx here.Unless someone can find it cheaper for me.Cheers.

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Good for you and of course - if it’s cheaper or somewhat equal for you than go for it. Nothing against OrbX. The JustFlight €14:45 convert to 22,72 AUD. Compared to the 27,73 AUD OrbX wants (here in germany) that’s quite the difference.

Maybe that’s just Europe or just my country but usually the OrbX prices are reasonable around here compared to the other shops.

That is quite a difference from what I have for here in Australia.Can’t understand why one country should be different from the other.You would think it would be the same everywhere if buying in that currency anywhere.I’m amazed.Cheers.All the best.

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