Good morning forum,
Wondering if anyone has purchased / used these products and what yours thoughts are.
- REX Weather Force
- REX Real Global Airport Textures
- TFFi Design PACX
Thanks I’m advance.
Good morning forum,
Wondering if anyone has purchased / used these products and what yours thoughts are.
Thanks I’m advance.
Yes. Not worth it IMHO. I prefer the MSFS weatherengine that works globally instead of a very limited weather only around my plane. My experience with REX in MSFS was not really good at all.
It switches the weather very drastically based on the METAR of a near airport. So you will have completely blue skies when there should be clouds in front of you already visible.
MSFS weather does that better, and it will get more updates very soon to have better METAR accuracy.
Honestly, i would save the money. You have the better option already for free in the sim.
Appreciate the feedback. I recall in the last DEV Q&A they spoke about better weather coming.
I use REX weather all the time since the built-in weather is so flaky. I live in South Texas where we have the conditions for pop-up thunderstorms virtually all summer and so the live weather almost always has thunderstorms and lightening even when we have partly cloudy sky’s.
It is true the transitions are annoying, but at least the weather being depicted is spot on for that area. During the winter months, when thunderstorms are less prevalent, live weather, when it works, is better for showing the weather over a large area without the abrupt transitions.
I have all three, and I only like number 2 and number 3.
I dislike REX Weather Force because the transition is an immersion killer. The weather is accurate, sure. But I don’t really care too much about accuracy since I do really long flights over areas that are halfway across the world from where I live. So it’s not like there’s anything that I can base on to verify if the weather is correct or not. That’s why I prefer to just use the default Live Weather mode. They’re good enough and it has better transition.
REX Real Global Airport Textures, is pretty good to improve the default Airport textures. But since I have a huge collection of payware airports especially for routes that I fly very often, I hardly ever make full use of this addon. But when I do, I like it. It cleans up the textures and the taxiway lines are sharper and more realisticially visible.
TFDi Design Pacx. This is pretty awesome to have. I like listening to the custom boarding music and custom safety video, and having to see the pax walk around during boarding and throughout the flight. And they have passenger satisfaction score in the end to tell you how well you’ve been flying.
But since I start using FS2Crew so I can have a proper copilot monitoring and helping me out with the proper callouts, running with Pacx together is starting to get somewhat distracting. Because I need to run multiple apps together, and Pacx is talking, FS2Crew is talking at the same time, and things tend to get jumbled up.
But Pacx itself is pretty nice. So nice, in fact that I also made some custom cabin layouts for it.
PACX - A320neo - 150 Pax / 3-Class Cabin Layout » Microsoft Flight Simulator
PACX - A330-300 - 288 Pax / 4-Class Cabin Layout » Microsoft Flight Simulator
PACX - A330-900neo - 300 Pax / 4-Class Cabin Layout » Microsoft Flight Simulator
Thank you for the awesome writeup and reviews!
Sounds like from what you and others have said, stay away from Weather Force.
As for PACX would you take it over FS2Crew?
And as for Global Airport Textures, I would assume that any paid / addon airports take priority over it? and then it kicks in for the defaults?
REX Weather fore is more accurate to METAR data. But it has some major flaws for me.
Its XML output for apps like Pilot2ATC seems to be an hour off on some airports.
Transitions are not smooth.
The weather is not as dynamic as in game weather.
My solution is I get ATIS from in sim so i know the pressure and winds are going to be correct to what is actuially happening, even it it does not match exact to IRL weather that Pilot2ATC gets. If there is a conflict from in sim ATIS and Pilot2ATC controllers I default to in sim ATIS.
Two things I am hoping happen eventually from the last dev talk. One, an API for in sim weather is created so PIlot2ATC can get its weather from the sim. Two, METAR data is going to be ingested earlier in the process on the back end weather engine.
PACX and FS2Crew can run together just fine. It’s just a bit of a hassle that I need to keep going back and forth between apps to manage passenger announcements in PACX, and keeping my cockpit communication in FS2Crew.
That being said, if I want to fly a flight with a custom boarding music and safety announcement, I would run both PACX and FS2Crew. Otherwise, I just run FS2Crew since it has its own basic boarding music and safety announcement.
Just a note, the FS2Crew only works on FlyByWire A32NX aircraft, and sometimes I use it on Headwind A330-900neo. I don’t have any other aircrafts installed in my sim, but I don’t think FS2Crew will work on other non-Airbus aircrafts.
Pacx on the other hand, works on any aircraft you fly.
Very helpful!
Thanks again sir.
Just bought
Excited to check them out this evening.
Couldn’t wait until after work, gave it a quick try. That is pretty impressive (PACX). Will take some fiddling to get it dialed in but it was fun and adds that extra layer during startup procedures etc as I follow the full guides not the simple in sim ones.
I like it!
The Textures are very nice to! I went with used / lots of rubber marks and it looks good. Also applies it overtop of the purchased airports.
I also grabbed bijans 4 season pack. I messed up and only bought Fall N summer S from marketplace. Bought the whole package from sim market so have winter in there now and a bunch of his other stuff that comes with it.
Didn’t realize the differences between the MSFS marker and the others. I know better now.