Rift S settings discussion

What settings are people using to be able to clearly ready text in the airliners, I mainly pop around in the fbw320, & crj by aerosoft

I’m happy with vr with GA aircraft but airliners it’s so hard to see mfd nd fmc etc that I find myself popping in and out of 2d mode that is immersion breaking for me,

Any tips greatly appreciated, I don’t have OTT I use openxr and debug tool windows store version of the sim

I use 100% render scale in game with super sampling set to 1.25 in the debug tool- I do have to lean in to the FMS a bit (not far) but it’s pretty clear, if a little blurry. Only buttons I struggle with are the ECAM ones in both CRJ and a320 but I’ve just had to kind of learn which ones are which. On a Ryzen 5600x and AMD 5700xt, not sure what FPS is as i’ve stopped looking but it’s smooth enough for me.

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Thanks for the reply I shall try your settings later this evening, I forgot to add I’m on a i9 10850K + rtx 3080

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