RNP Approach. Am I crazy?

So I was flying the RNP A RWY05 in to LPMA. The approach shows flying a heading of 219 for the 05 rwy?? Am I losing my mind or is this just not correct? FMC plotted the same so I deviated and made a right traffic pattern to get to 05. Let me know what I’ve done wrong here. https://charts.portugal-vacc.org/files/LP_AD_2_LPMA_12-11_en.pdf

It’s correct. The approach is designed to get you safely below the clouds so you can then make a visual approach to Rwy 5.

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This is the next chart you would follow after arriving at MA566.


Marvellous, I’ve never seen that before (procedure for cloudbreaking), that’s extremely interesting to see different kind of approaches (charts) :smiley:

Fantastic! I don’t see where you got that from but my mind can now rest.

If you look carefully at the chart, there is only one approach “circle-to-land”. At or above MDA, if you see the airport or runway, you can descend and fly the runway traffic pattern to land.

Yeah I just never saw the second chart and the fmc was all kinds of wrong for the approach.

Hi @C34WEBB, could you please mark Mike’s submit as a solution ? Readers will appreciate that ! Thx…

Bhutan has the same principle, RNAV approaches to get down below the clouds and then do it manually and visually.

I checked the solution box earlier. Is that what you are referring to?

Yeah it’s ok… the solution is marked now.

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