Welcome to the 131st flight event across the GUNNER DOWNUNDER series. This flight will be conducted in Romania , and is again guaranteed to give you more of the unique and challenging flight experience that you have come to expect from Gunpilot’s flight events.
We get to fly through some very picturesque countryside this week in Romania. Weather will be mostly OK, no rain is forecast even though the clouds appear to be threatening to rain on our parade.
One of the features of this flight will be a number of very steep approachs up the side of large hills that will necessitate careful management of power and braking to ensure you don’t come to grief when landing.
As usual, there are a couple of fairly easy glides, and a few bridges to slide under , and a couple of dam walls to negotiate along the way. All in all a fairly relaxing flight (well that is unless your a newcomer to our flights )
*Again, a packaged up WEATHER file has been developed and included along with the flight plan, negating any need for anyone to dial in weather settings, as well as ensuring that all pilots are experiencing exactly the same weather conditions. The Weather Preset file is located in #gunpilots-events (click GUNPILOT’s Server to be taken there). Extract file into your Community Folder prior to launching your sim for the flight.
REMEMBER: In these flights the Grand Caravan is the aircraft to fly in…
When: Fri 12th May @ 2300UTC
Where: Romania
Flight Duration: Approx 3hrs (depending on numbers attending)
Aircraft: Cessna Grand Caravan (and also a glider mid event) - if you have a different favorite aircraft then leave it in the hangar for this event (as always, as flight planned around Caravan performance)
Server: SOUTH EAST ASIA (what else in this location )
Discord Server: GUNPILOT’s Server Click on this link and you will be sent a very welcoming INVITE that will enable you to fully participate in the radio chatter with all the other pilots in the flight
Voice Chat accessed by clicking on Comms Radio. If you are going to fly with us, ensure to join into the chatter on Comms Radio. If you don’t then you will miss out on a number of challenges that are given over the radio and you will have no idea what is going down.
Cessna Caravan as all landing and other challenges built into flight are
tailored for this aircraft specifically. If you arrive in another aircraft type you will be ignored…
Turn Damage mode off as you will most likely suffer at least hard
landings if not full on crashes
Bring plenty of Duc Tape for running repairs
Crash Helmets are optional, Prayers are advisable
Embrace “SLEW” as it will be your friend by the end of the flight
Practicing to make Caravan landing approaches at IAS of between 40-50knts max will see you nailing difficult landings with ease and precision.
If you are new to these Gunner Downunder Challenging Flights, ensure you download the Caravan mod which can be found in the add-ons-and-downloads channel (mod is pinned to the top RHS of this channels screen) in Gunpilot’s Server. Download and extract into your Community folder and you will have the real life SUPPER 900 kit that is installed by Texas Turbine Coversions in the USA. Improved performance both in the air and on the ground.
Load this version of the plan into the sim
Romania.pln (6.7 KB)
Load this version of the plan into LNM
Romania.lnmpln (5.5 KB)
***Remember to download the weather file from Gunpilot’s discord server (GUNPILOT’s Server ) and extract into your community folder before booting up the sim for the event.