RPM's won't go below 1000 sr22

Is anyone able to reduce the RPM’s for the SR22 below 1000? Typically, you can pull back the idle on this plane below 1000 in reality.

1000 is the recommended taxi rpm. Maybe its not designed to run less than without using the Mixture.

Typically you can pull the throttle back below 1,000 RPM’s to slow down so the taxi speed is less. Pulling back the mixture actually increases the RPM’s up to a point. I’m looking for a way to have it allow us to reduce the RPM’s fully to about 800.

I’ve noticed this too… At idle it shouldn’t be taxiing at 20+knts it should idle closer to 600-700rpm with the throttle all the way back to the stop. The cirrus I used instruct in would always need throttle to start rolling.

It’s recommended to keep the throttle around 1000rpm to keep the batteries charging but that isn’t the lowest idle speed that the engine can do.

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