RTX 2070 GPU Performance

I am currently using an RTX 2070 GPU. I originally had a GTX 1050ti when the Sim was released and needed something better. I first upgraded to a GTX 1660, but felt it wasn’t enough for me. I ordered a Dual Fan RTX 2060 (I have limited space in my case) and the company mistakenly sent me a Triple Fan RTX 2070. I had to remove the Disk Drive and was able to make the 2070 fit, so I decided to keep it instead of sending it back. What I’m wondering is what kind of performance others are getting using the RTX 2070 GPU? I understand some things will differ do to different CPU’s, RAM, etc.
My setup:
I5 8400 6 Core CPU
16 GB RAM@ 2600 Mhz
MSI TRI-Frozer RTX 2070 GPU
256 GB SSD + 1 TB HDD
600W PSU
Windows 10 Home

I appreciate any input on this topic!

I have an RTX 2070 Super and when the game was first released my fps averaged about 35-40 using the ultra preset. Over the subsequent months (as the game has been updated) I’ve noticed my fps drop a little, so I’ve dropped down to the high-end preset which now averages 30-35 fps.

Of course, it depends on where I’m flying, if I’m over somewhere like New York my fps will tank down as far as 15-20, whereas if I’m flying the recently added Alaska bush trip my fps will increase to around 40-50.

PC specs.

AMD 2700X
32GB Ram @ 3000Mhz
RTX 2070 Super
All SSDs (The game is installed on an NVMe drive)

Thanks for the Info. I’m getting pretty much the same FPS. It takes a big hit when over a large city or at some Custom Airports.

I had a 2070 and a system similar to yours before my recent upgrade, and could expect between 25 and 40 depending on the area. The frustrating thing about this sim is that many of the options don’t seem to change the frame rate by that much, so you’re kind of stuck with that.
Edit - at 2560x1440

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On my system I don’t see below 30fps over new york with my settings mentioned in the link, maybe you had FXAA or MFAA on in Nvidia CP which became buggy in one of the previous MSFS updates, they cause a huge frame rate drop.

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I see, I’ll have to check. Thanks for the tip.

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I am running an 2060super 32gb i5 8400 on 1440p and I can tell you this my performance is poor at big handcrafted airports.I have been running the sim on Ultra minus motion blur off and the sim runs between 25-50fps.
i5 8400 is not a bad cpu but it won’t give the best experience. My sim does stutter a lot with the Airliners specially the 787 and over photogrammetry cities. I am now on the verge to getting a new CPU and Mobo before changing the CPU.

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Thanks for the info and Screenshots! I have been pretty impressed with my i5-8400 in many ways, especially for it being an 8th Gen Locked CPU. I am also thinking about upgrading my CPU to a 9th or 10th Gen i7 Unlocked CPU. I would love an i9-10900XE but just can’t throw that kind of money at a CPU currently.

I get great performance on ultra settings. RTX 2060 ti I have latest intel 10th gen cpu and ASUs motherboard. I did initially get some crashes to back screen. However that was solved by running fans at turbo setting. I only run windows defender and have nothing else on the hard drive but MSFS. Now waiting for VR!

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Also forgot to mention Clouds have a huge performance hit on my 2060super so I have them set to high instead of ultra. As much as I like them on ultra it causes my frames to dip below 25 at big airports with the a320.
3rd party airport due to tend to run better.Why I have the clouds set to high here.-10fps with ultra clouds. Screenshot (2453)

RTX 2070 - GPU using is up to 90 % when I’m looking through the menue, no fly is running.
Who needs such a terrible heating?
What is wrong with this software?

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Good question.

Be aware that if complaining too much , you could be labeled as suffering only of “Self inflicted harm”
It is just the way it is.


RTX 2070 Super here with a sight overlock, I get mostly 25 to 50 depending on the areas, big big airports add on scenery anything between 20-30fps… general flying 40-50 fps. I run a mix of Ultra and High settings at 1440p.

Ryzen 3700X
32GB 3600Mhz
RTX 2070 Super overclocked +160 core +700 memory

i’ve managed to get a pretty stable experience of around 58-60 fps (with the fps locked to 61 in nvidia control for trackir reasons) with GA aircraft

ryzen 5700x
32 GB ram at 3200MHZ i think
2070 Super

settings are mostly high for 1440p , the only thing i’ve downgraded is the visual rendering to 80% , that way the fps are more stable.

if it helps i can share the settings.

Please do so, this is a 2070 thread, so it would be useful to compare settings etc.