RTX 3050 ti

Hey guys,
I have ASUs tuf dash f15
GPU : RTX 3050 Ti 4GB
Ram: 16 GB
CPU : I7 -11370
The game runs fine on high 1080p , only problem is drops in big airport like JFK , and intense weather like thunderstorms.
I would be very happy if you know what to change in the setting to increase fps :slight_smile:

Btw for some unknown reason the game sometimes just quit on is own, freeze for few seconds then shuts down, no fps drops occur when it happens ……

What resolution do you run at? Seems like there are 1080p and 1440p models.

You could activate developer options in the settings, and then the FPS counter (in the new top menu) to see what is limiting you in different situation. My guess is the CPU (MainThread / CoherentGTDraw) at the big airports and GPU in intense weather.

For CPU, you can try turning down the detail sliders in the graphics settings (I think the terrain vector data setting also affects mostly CPU).
Most of the other settings affect mostly GPU performance.

Your CPU performance will probably increase when SU5 is released.


Concerning the unexpected shutdown. If you search for CTD (Crash to desktop) you will find alot of topics that discuss and try to find solutions for this issue.

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It started after downloading the world updates from the market place … I think

There can be many reasons for a CTD.
If you did only use default MSFS functions and the CTDs are not to disturbing,
I would suggest to not concern yourself with them and hope that they will get fixed, since it can be very time consuming to investigate your issue and there is no guarantee that you can resolve it by yourself.

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This is probably the best guide out there.