RTX 3080 - Should I keep it?

I got a RTX 3080 (not ti) at 775$ USD. Should I keep it ?

I currently have a 2080 and I play a lot of flight sim in VR. It’s running decent at the moment but could use the extra performance from a 3080.

But I’m also thinking about getting a new VR headset in the future with better resolution which might require the 3080 or even better a 40 series card.

Just wanting to get some opinions/thoughts.

I’m not on a budget but do not want to spend needlessly.

Wondering if I should return it or keep. Didn’t open it yet.

At this point I would wait until the 40 series releases and see how power and performance compare before deciding. If you still decide 3080 you should be able to spend even less on one.

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In my opinion keeping the 2080 is better because :

  • As you said, 2080 offers decent performance and the difference won’t be huge when compared to the 3080

  • The price of 3080 will most likely be lower in near future because of the arrival of the 40 series

  • For VR, I think you will still get good performance with the 2080

  • in near future, you will have the option to get 40 series, 30 series or something in between (Ti)

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Sure. But between the 40 series and 50 series, only one of them is being released in a few months.

I regret the 3080 a little bit because of the VRAM - If I’d known I’d be playing so much msfs I would’ve splurged for the 20 gigs on the 3090. If you’re bumping up your resolution, a 3000 or 4000 series will yield significant performance gains over a 2080, but if I were you I’d wait for announcements and hope that the 4080 has more ram than the 3080, and if not get a 4090, 3090, 3080ti etc.

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Yes, or 60, 70… Why not.
I was waiting for new hardware , years. Has no sense.
Cheers my friend.

Normally yes. But the 4090 announcement is potentially only 4 weeks away and is not just slightly faster than the 30xx it is substantially faster.


It will never ever be 100% better, its not viable for Nvidia as a business model to completely destroy the 30 series, we will see 30-40% at best as an uplift.


I think people should be made aware it will probably bottleneck their cpu in MSFS


The 3090 was 42% faster than the 2080ti .

In my experience, which does not include VR, so I am not able to comment on that, the largest benefit of high end graphics cards is that the settings can be raised.
In particular, the render scaling.
Having found and bought a 3080 ti at almost the original list price, I can now set that at 160 instead of 100, at 2K and see a notable increase in the sharpness of the photo scenery.
That justifies the fairly large expense, £950 and should future proof my PC for a long time.
The 3080ti is fed by an i5 11600K and they seem to be an almost ideal match for each other.
I don’t ask for much more than 30 fps, usually locked at that, but the 3080ti can do up to 50 fps using my preferred settings.
My now retired 1070ti was doing single figures at 160
To answer the original question, on the below site, the difference is 23%, quite small for 775$ USD and probably not worth it.
UserBenchmark: Nvidia RTX 2080 vs 3080
The difference, at the same site. between the 1070ti and 3080 ti is 140% and probably is worth it.
UserBenchmark: Nvidia GTX 1070-Ti vs RTX 3080-Ti

Having said that, what is most important here is how it runs MSFS.

Are you sure because my 3060 performs at least as well?

For VR the upgrade to a 10GB 3080 made a significant improvement in my overall experience. The card is quiet, even with complex aircraft at airports like KSFO. Also, CTD events have stopped entirely.

$775.00 is a good price for that card. Install it and have fun now. Life is short. :slight_smile:

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OP if I were you i’d wait for 4000 series cards to release.

I too lock at 30 FPS on a I9-11900 and 3080ti. I find that at 60FPS some CPU threads get pegged and introduces stutters. At 30 FPS it runs smooth on ULTRA in a 2K screen rendered at 100%.

I never trust manufacturers benchmarks but that 4090 looks like it would hit 60fps.

I have an RTX3070 and don’t want to upgrade to the RTX4xxx series. My main concern is heat and power consumption. They need to make progress on that side, definitively.

When my PC run, it take more power than all lights and all devices, including 4 TVs, in my house. That’s kind of “stupid” IMHO. I can play all pancake games at 1080p or even 4K for some, at 60fps, max settings, and the only benefit of my card is for VR, and only for MSFS, as all other games and sims can handle 90fps with supersampling.

Let’s stop the overkill race!

But obviously if you can handle that, go ahead! :wink:

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My flightsim pc has a 3080 and with screens etc, it typically uses about 300watts. That is more than the whole of the rest of the house normally uses.

I am aware what it costs to fly an aircraft IRL, so 8p per hour doesn’t seem too excessive a running cost for the SIM.

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