RTX 4090 with 60 H monitor refresh rate 4K - experiences

Sorry, that’s not correct.

Yes it is, unless you are James T Kirk and can bend the laws of science!

Try googling “60 hz monitor max fps”.

Try this and I’m already telling you how things are going.
You will need to set your monitor to 60Hz
take a look at this…

And this to activate maximum hidden performance.

powercfg-duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61

PowerShell (As administrator)

This other one is so that it always runs in high priority MSFS 2020

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\FlightSimulator.exe\PerfOptions]

Save to a text file as . reg (then just double click)

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thanks for your time sharing your set up! :+1:t2:

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I don’t have a 4090, just a 3090, but I recently found a higher RR helped smooth my sim experiece for what it’s worth. I run my PC on a 4K UHD oled tv display. It has 120Hz hdmi 2.1 capability.

I had been running 60Hz @ 1/2 RR for the longest time. So effectively a stable 30fps which I found fine. A month or two ago I moved the setting over to 120Hz @ 1/3 RR so effectively 40fps. I am still using this setting, as I find the sim runs really smoothly at 4K output without running the GPU at 100% (which can lead to quite noisy fans).

Locking the fps at fractions of RR really helps with sim smoothness/fluidity I find.
I’m sure a 4090 will be no different in this regard.

New PC, Intel I-9-13900K and NV-4090- all settings at ultra. Montor is Samsung Neo G9 running at 5120x 1440 using Display Port at 250Hz. Excellent.

I am using RTX 4090 and it’s been a great MSFS experience. Usually, in dense places like flying over NYC, the frame rates vary from 70-100FPS but as soon as I turn on the DLSS Frame Generation, the frame rates go up to 150FPS which gets crazy smooth.

Have you tried to turn on the Frame Generation? If not, please try it.

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