My yoke just arrived but cannot get rudders to work.
The profile is default and C1 C2 are assigned but not working in game.
It also does not seem to have B1B2 function
Is this a driver issue or is it defective?
My yoke just arrived but cannot get rudders to work.
The profile is default and C1 C2 are assigned but not working in game.
It also does not seem to have B1B2 function
Is this a driver issue or is it defective?
Since Update5 my VKB rudders are not working as they did. Not sure if its coincidence or what.
is there any solution for this?
i just received it and c1 c2 dont do anything
Have you calibrated the rudder using windows game controller calibration? Do you hear the two tone audio indication from windows when you plug the USB in? Try opening device manager and click the scan for new hardware tab. I’ve had the same problem whenever there’s a big update and those steps usually clear out for me. Good luck
yeah everything is connected just fine in calibration i can also see that C1 and C2 work just in game it doesnt
for me, C1 C2 is rudder trim by default…
yes thats what we are talking about… they are assigned to rudder trim but they dont do anything.
Sorry to Necro this thread, but I didn’t see the point in starting a new one, because this is a similar topic to my current issue.
My rudder trim was working fine with the little horizontal button on the Logitech yoke and Rudder Trim Reset on one of the buttons on the throttle quadrant, but now it’s not working and I think it’s since I plugged in my stream deck which also has controls mapped for Rudder Trim (via Keyboard command).
However, even if I go into the Logitech yoke profile software and set the same keys that work with the stream deck to be activated by the little side rocker button on the yoke, it’s not working via yoke. Only works on stream deck. Now that I setup that profile I don’t actually know how to remove it, and now when I go into the MSFS controls setup and try to reassign the yoke button, it says I’m “trying to assign a control to a device that is not active”.
I’ve tried taking the controls off the keyboard and validated that, so the stream deck did not work and there was no conflict with it mapped anywhere else, but still I can’t remap them to the yoke rocker switch!
Is it actually possible to have controls doubled up between keyboard and the yoke without problem so I can use either method concurrently? Why has this issue started?
I don’t really want to reset my yoke to default because I’ve set up a lot of other controls how I like it, but if that’s the solution, of course, I will. It’s just weird why it’s not seeing those button presses when I mapped it to the same as what worked through the stream deck keyboard hornet buttons.
EVEN WORSE I tried changing the keys it uses to [ ] but now it’s not even working from the stream deck when I change the assigned keys to those. And now trying to assign to the yoke I don’t get the message about trying to assign to device that is not active. It just does nothing and I have to click cancel a few times for it to back out. It’s in a total mess. Any ideas?!
Any known fix yet? I just got my Logitech yoke and C1 C2 are assigned but do nothing in game. I’m very disappointed, as I can’t afford rudder pedals yet.
I have been learning MFS for about a year now and have the same issue. I cannot trim the rudder on the Logitech yoke even though they are assigned. It would be great to have this function to stay on course when flying by instruments only. Hopefully someone has a solution to this.