Rudder is moving by itself - help!

hellos guys, i am having constantly problems with many aircraft with the rudder (CJ4, FBW, TMB among others). I have also post in the past about this issue but until today unfortunately i have not been able to find a solution to it. I want to share my settings and a video.

I am using the the logitech saitek rudder pedals. With the following sensitivity settings.

i am giving full left rudder through all the video and you can see how the rudder returns back and forth. It is unfortunately unplayable for me like this.

I have tried to disconnect the rudder pedals and test with my Airbus Sidestick and the problem keeps on. But reading in the forums and seeing videos i looks the rudders are working very good for some people.

Thanks in advance for any idea!

Hi there!
To keep the forum organized, I’ve moved your topic in #self-service:peripherals and tagged it with “logitech”.
Thank you.

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Look for another control that’s also mapped to the rudder axis. For example, I have an X-55 HOTAS and the Saitek combat rudder pedals. The X-55 stick has a twist function that can also be used for rudder. I need to make sure that the twist axis isn’t mapped to anything or I’m going to have interference between the stick and the pedals. The other thing to check is that the Z-axis on the pedals is mapped to Rudder Axis and not Rudder Left (Yaw Left) and Rudder Right (Yaw Right).

Thanks Mike! So this means you have this rudder issue if you don’t desactivate your X55?

I only have my Airbus side stick also with mapped rudders so I could try to desactivate it and see what happens!

Correct. I make sure there are no functions assigned to the twist axis of the X-55 stick.

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The airbus sidestick twist axis has this inherent issue where it can become overly sensitive on any slight touch. If you unbound the axis from the rudder control, it shouldn’t be an issue anymore. But if you do, the workaround is whenever you left the sidestick alone for a while, shake the sidestick a little and do a full rudder movement left/and right slowly but consistently a few times.

Once you’re back to neutral, the twist movement should stabilise (until it becomes oversensitive again, in that case repeat the process above). It seems to be a hardware issue with most if not all the Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick.

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  1. Check that the issue does not exist with your hardware.
    A great tool for this is DIView. Websearch for this and download. Easy to use. Will show you what your controllers are doing.

If everything looks fine in DIView then look to the game settings.

If the TM stick has z-axis (twist) and you are not using this for rudder control make sure that the binding for rudder axis is deleted in the profile. (Or create a new profile for it and just bind the functions you do want to use yourself)

It shouldn’t be the case in FS2020 but some games seem to allow certain axis inputs to “bleed through” even if they are not specifically mapped to a function in game. Basically it’s as if they cannot be “unmapped” without digging deep into config files. (This is true of older, simpler games or ones that are actually optimized for mouse flying and joystick control got a bit bungled - like World of Warplanes)

If this is the case then you either have to dig through game specific config files OR use Joystick Gremlin/HID Guardian which can actually hide an input device or a specific input axis from the game.

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