Rudder Major Issue, Rudder Flicker - Unable to Taxi or T/O Or Fly

Have rudder issues after latest update as well…All over the place when taxiing.

There is a manufacturer out there which has taken this approach.

VKB. Their Gladiator NXT features contactless sensors throughout and superior design and component choices.

I’ve got the same problem and have tried the same things to correct it.
I notice that if I get the rudder flickering and it fails to hold its position, I can reload the aircraft and normal behaviour returns for awhile until I land and try to taxi again. I have been using the default Cessna 152 for testing - haven’t noticed the problem with other default or add-on aircraft so far.

Hi, I have the same issue. I’m using the Xbox controller with no peripherals and no add on’s whatsoever. It doesn’t matter what A/C I select, you cannot taxi whatsoever. I have an Xbox S system. I am able to take off given positioning the A/C on the runway. Thanks

I have a similar problem in the PC version, taxi to rwy is impossible, plane goes in all directions and when turning the engines go to 60% and stay there.
I am using the thrustmaster officer pack airbus edition.
Someone who can help me?

I had the same problem. Turning off assitance for take-off and landing did help.

Thank you very much, this solution worked for me :grinning:

Hey Mike…
I too suffer your problem…The only two aircraft that behave in MSFS are the C172 and the B78x. Joystick works great in DCS and FSX (when installed 2019). I have checked and calibrated…forever. I removed the B787 and B747 from my community folder as per you suggestions and tried the C152. Control axis are all over the place…Yet soon as I load the C172 is all good. I smell something in the aircraft.cfg files across the board. This like many in our Sim World drives me nuts…

seems like this still hasant been fixed, I removed assited to and land and now the rudder doesnt work at all!

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Same issues here. Anyone put a ticket in for this yet?

I also have started having this issue and have not found a solution yet. Ruddder is fine on takeoff but once landed on runway Rudder gets wonky and I also lose Brakes at the same time. I have a Thrustmaster 16000M Joystick, Throttle and Rudder Pedals (attached through throttle)

I solved my problem of this symptom. It was the Thrustmaster 16000M Joystick. The twist grip was jittering on it own and interfering with the Rudder of the Pedals even though I did not have it set to anything in the profile. In the profile for the joystick I set the Sensitivity of the “R-AZIS Z” to “sensitivity - -100%, sensitivity + 100%, dead zone 0%, neutral 100%, extremity dead zone 100%, reactivity 0%”. Other numbers may work as well but you want a straight line for the “R-Axis Z” Axis in sensitivity settings. My joystick works fine with all other settings and buttons but needs repair or replacement to use the Z axis for anything. I have my Peddles so I don’t need that axis. So it was a hardware issue and I hope this helps others that experience this rudder issue.

I had this and solved it by buying new rudder pedals. I went for the Saitek.


For PC Users if your having taxi rudder issues you need to delete or install:
FSUIPC (Flight Simulation Universal Interface for PC)
update it here:

For Xbox Users:
There is no solution as of yet. Asobo is aware of this bug.

In all areas of MSFS the rudder fucntons properly except in free fligh. When I am in free flight in the air or on the ground trying to taxi the rudder will respond momentarily to inb

I’m having the same issues. In all areas of MSFS the rudder functions properly except in free flight. When I am in free flight in the air or on the ground trying to taxi the rudder will respond momentarily to input then it will go to the neutral position. This makes it almost impossible to taxi properly. I use the Logitech HOTAS and the thrustmaster pedals. The issue occurs using either the pedals or joystick to control the rudder. I’ve calibrated the pedals with Logitech’s calibration tool, I’ve adjusted the sensitivity to various settings in MSFS, and I’ve turned off the rudder assist in the assistance options. None of these steps has any result and the issue remains. My gaming computer is an Alienware M15 R6. MS responded quickly with a list of things to try and I tried all of them but the result was the same.

I’m getting same issue on xbox so its definitely a bug in MSFS. Only happens after I land into a runway and start to TAXI. If have origianal xbox hotas joystick

I have the same problem. When in Calibration settings the rudder works perfect. In the plane they don’t. Makes taking of or landing impossible and flying troublesome.

In my case I have discovered the area of the bug - Assistance Options → Piloting → Assisted Takeoff

I turned it off, rebooted the Game and the rudder started working correctly.

Note, default install of Microsoft Flight Simulator: Premium Deluxe - No Add-ons.

I have had this problem using the Thrustmaster TCA, and after doing a lot of research and trying hundreds of options, I got the final solution by disassembling the joystick and cleaning the potentiometer cables. After doing that, I was able to fly normally without having the obnoxious rudder problems that made it extremely difficult to taxi, as well as takeoffs and landings.

Just take a look at this wonderful tutorial Twitchy TCA Thrustmaster Sidestick Rudder? Here’s the fix! - YouTube

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