I’m having difficulties with the rudder it’s moving around like a wet fish,I have tried adjusting it but it seems to be worse since the last update I have recently purchased a new velocity flight one controller and yoke is anybody else having similar difficulties it’s causing quite a problem with landing and taxi I have taken off the auto rudder to see if that helps but with no improvement.
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The V1F analog triggers worked fine for me when I used them for rudder control. I’ve added pedals so I don’t use the triggers anymore, but they do work.
Double check every assist is off, and also try the recommendation from Ten.
Thanks will do that.
I got a set of rudder Pedals I was thinking of trying that, thanks for your help.
The main thing is, make sure you only have one rudder control being bound to only one of your hardware. Don’t have multiple hardware having similar bindings that go to your rudder. You will get conflicting inputs if you do. So if you have a set of Rudder Pedals that you want to bind to the rudder, make sure that’s the only hardware you have bound to the rudder controls. If you have a Sidestick that has twist axis, make sure you remove the rudder binding from there, including any other hardware like keyboard.
Additionally, you should also add some deadzone to the Rudder Axis sensitivity. This is to make sure you don’t give the sim micro-inputs when the pedals aren’t exactly centered.
Thanks, how much Dead zone do you suggest,
Over the last few days I’ve been working on it I’ve changed back to rudderpedals I’ve also turned off auto rudder and some other options it seems to made a much smoother flight and landing and at least I’m not jumping off the runway I’m still having some issues with trim but since I’ve turned off the auto trim it seems to be easier I just need to get some of my settings correct and hopefully that will do.
It depends on how much jitter your rudder axis gets when left alone or when you feet rests on them. I usually go for at least 10% on all my primary flight controls dead zones.
I have a thrustmaster M1600 and have problems with the rudder axis, is not center, any idea how to solve it, here is an image
Hmm… seems like a calibration issue. Is there any thrustmaster software that you can install and manage separately? If so, you should be able to see what the axis looks like from outside MSFS through the thrustmaster software. If it’s not centered there, you probably need to recalibrate the Z axis somehow.