Rudder pedals not working after update

After the recent update, my Saitek/Logitech rudder pedals stopped working. Not the brakes, but the rudders. They are unresponsive, or I should say sporadically and spasmodically unresponsive. I thus can only steer using braking, not conducive to smooth takeoffs or landings. I have tried everything I could think of to correct, all unsuccessfully. The graphs on the sensitivity setting page seem to respond appropriately when I press the pedals, but in the plane, no go. The pedals are only 1 mo. old, and since they seem to input on the settings page, I do not think it is a hardware issue. I could be wrong. Anyone have any suggestions. The update looks great, but not if I can’t get off the ground, or back on to it.

This can happen after an update. Trying deleting the rudder axis mappings, validate, then add the same bindings back again.

That usually works for me

Tried that again, hoping for the best. When I tried it before, I did not first “Apply and Save”. This time I did. When I reconfigured, all looked perfect on the options screen. But get in the cockpit, nope. Rudder is only functional at the extremes (like pushing my foot through the wall); before that it might or might not engage, and if it does, it is jiggly and wonky. Aargh!

Saitek controllers are not able to be properly calibrated in MSFS, or Windows.
Here is a link to the calibration tool I use with my Saitek controllers, DIView.
Even though the graphs respond correctly, try this, it may help with the issue.