Rudder problem with logitech extreme3dpro

Can someone please help, every time I go to use the rudder it won’t stay whatever way I’m turning it. It goes back to center? All other controls work fine except rudder control?

Think you need to rebind that feature in sim. Been long time since I used mine, now using better JS, and those never go away. In the flight controls of the “controls windows” you have titles of devices at top of that screen, first click on the joystick you have listed there. Find the secton on the Rudder, and then Bind the left movement (plane turns left) to the associated function. Then in the right hand window, bind the turn to the right movement. Validate both movements, and then apply and save.
Think that will fix issue. You can also choose to “reverse” the movements if it still does them backwards, which will make them operate them correctly
Correctly is: Twist JS handle to left, plane turns left, twist JS handle to right, plane turns right. This also binds in front wheel steering. NOTE: in both 787/747 front wheel steering is way less satisfactory, to make sharp turns you need to give engine power on side of plane you want to turn. I.e., left turn, right engine, right turn, left engine. Steering is bogus in large planes, cannot speak to AB320, don’t fly airbus period. The little planes seem to steer fine.

Thanks so much, will try after you confirming.

Revised, so it should be clearer. Hope this helps. I found my 3D Pro, getting sloopy after year. I ponied up the necessary money to get high quality joystick from Virpil Controls, with bracket needed/base/joystick came to over 1000 usd. Built like real stick in plane, excellent quality. If you get the VFX-F-14 JS, get the CM2 base and associated bracket. DC Deisgns is releasing almost study level F-14 Tomcat on 19th of August, then you will have the correct stick to tly that plane down the road. I have successfuly (albeit as successfully as possible here in this sim) flown C-17 - 747 - 787 and all the GA planes using this stick. The bindings I used (buttons on stick) work for every one the same. I can send you my bindings if you get that stick. And if you search periherials you can find my bindings for the Logitech 3D pro, as I posted those in that section of the forum last year before got new stick. C-17 is only in FSX, but same bindings there so no new button pushes to learn.

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