Rudder recentering while applying full rudder

Hey guys check auto rudder hasn’t been turned on by the gremlins that sneaked into SU7

All assistance is off, all bindings for anything rudder related is null on all inputs except the z axis for the pedals.

Obviously different gremlins then … have you looked in the release notes for the beta? it’s possible they already have a fix.

No mention of rudder in the notes that I see. I’m clearly not alone. There are hundreds of posts between here an discord. I love this sim when it works but it is so frustrating and such an immersion killer when basic things like primary flight controls don’t work. I hope this gets addressed. Between this and the aircraft/autopilot going nuts when I move from one metar area to another because the baro reading jumps, the sim is just unplayable like this.

I’ve just started experiencing this exact same problem.

In the PMDG DC6, rudder pedals can be used. However, as soon as I’ve turned 100% to the right or left the pedals re-centre themselves.

I’ve unbound the rudder controls from every other controller too.

Resetting the SIM fixed the issue.

Hardware for flight controls is a Saitek X56.

This intermittent problem is getting worse for me. It used to happen about every 3rd flight in the last few days it’s been every single flight. The sim is unplayable in this state. Works fine at startup, take off, and enroute. As soon as I touchdown at destination the rudder goes haywire and I skid off the runway. Unbelievable. I can’t find any acknowledgement by the dev team that it is even an issue or a fix is on the way. So much for purchasing $6K of hardware to play this sim. I guess I just need to find something else to do until all the numerous bugs are addressed that make this a semi-working beta vs. a AAA gaming title. Beyond ■■■■■■.

Same problem on my side…all assistance off and unable to steer the TBM after landing…made another flight with the CJ4 and didnt have the problem…

So after another long flight, no problems in the air… touch down and my ground steering/rudder sends me flying off the runway half after the breaking roll…

Double checked all rudder inputs and removed everything apart from main put device.

Still flying the PMDG DC6. I look down at the rudder controls and I can see them moving back to centre and side to side randomly everytime I feed any input into my joystick.

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I noticed this when trying to steer the F-18 on the ground. I managed to work around it by adjusting the rudder sensitivity to -80% for both left and right. I didn’t test lower settings.

this just happened to me my assists went nuts after a crash and could no longer taxi my cessna even after changing settings back in flight

The issue seems to be MSFS SW related because various joysticks and pedals functios fine in control options window and their own calibration SW, but rudder moves to center by its self while still applying commanded rudder. When set outside view and watch rudder ( on ground for me ) you clearly see rudder smoothly moving back to center. Creepy :thinking:

You’re forgetting an important detail in your post. While it can be fine for control options to behave as expected. This is because the control options are showing the response for that particular hardware.

While when you’re looking at the outside view and watch the rudder. That rudder movement comes from the collective inputs of all your connected hardware simultaneously at the same time.

So if you have a Joystick with a twist axis and a pedal. And you have both the twist axis and rudder pedals to be bound to the same rudder axis command. You’re going to get a conflicting input. Because you can push the pedal that bounds to the rudder and the rudder moves. But your joystick might be stationary, so it’s feeding the sim with a neutral rudder position. So the Sim takes both inputs where the rudder moves from your pedal inputs, but recenters because of the joystick position.

I only have my joystick twist axis bound to the rudder axis. and I don’t have any pedals, and no other controls are bound to the rudder command. I never had any recentering issue that people seem to have.

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Thanks for the input. Frankly, I didn’t think about it that way. I’ll try to experiment and post results. But yesterday, after a new update, I got mixed results. Some session is OK and some is the same problem. That’s the most frustrated part. But I’l try your suggestion and post back resuls :blush:

My Dad was having this issue on a new install. The z-axis was bound to something called “set steering”. He cleared this binding and it fixed the issue.

I had the rudder recentering problem a few days ago after the update patch for SU 7 and also for my Thrustmaster TCA Officer Pack Airbus Edition (Driver Package 2021_tfht_2 + Firmware).
When applying full rudder with a twist of the joystick it would inadvertantly recenter when taxiing.

In addition, the throttle would suddently accelerate and decelerate, which caused considerable frustration.

Anyhow, after reading through this thread I followed the suggestion someone made to check the “assistance” settings. sure enough, they had all gone to easy. I turned off the rudder assistance and set most other settings to medium difficulty. and my problems were solved.

So many thanks to the conributors who came up with the idea.

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This solved it for me @LordFrites - thanks! I also had the rudder mapped to my MFG rudders and joystick at the same time - deleted the joystick rudder assignment and it holds the rudder in position now.


Just got the game this week, and this rudder issue is driving me nuts. I’m using a Sidewinder Force Feedback 2. I’ve bound rudder to joystick z-axis. I’ve ensured that neither the keyboard nor the mouse have any bindings for any control with “rudder” in its name. I have no other controllers attached. I have assistance set to True to Life / everything on Hard. I’ve tried unplugging and replugging the joystick. I’ve tried setting and saving the True To Life assistance settings multiple times. I’ve tweaked the sensitivity settings in the controller setup.

In free flight, the rudder is still automatically recentering even if I hold my twist on the joystick z-axis. It’s super frustrating to be finishing up a nice clean flight and then the plane shoots violently off the runway and I can’t taxi anywhere. Ruins the fun. This problem does not happen in the training sessions, which leads me to believe it’s an assistance type setting, but as I said, they’re set to True To Life / Hard / all turned off.

Is there anything else I can try?

Try another peripheral if you can beg borrow or buy one. You could even resort to keyboard and mouse and see if you are still getting the recentering action. At least that will tell you if the issue is with your stick or the SIM.

Try switching OFF assistance during take-off and landing

Hey everyone! I’m new to flight sim and I have to say I’m having the same problem here with my setup. I’ve tried everything here to try and correct the rudder recentering problem. Sad to think so many have this problem with no fix for so long. Many of you have been dealing with this for a long time. You shouldn’t have to fix an issue by switching to the real life settings which also doesn’t work by the way. That makes it work better but doesn’t fix it. Rudder control needs to be there for beginners as well as for the seasoned pilots. Everything seems to work in the training parts of the sim but not in the World Map. This has been a very frustrating so far so any help is appreciated.