Runway lights very bright

I find the runway and taxiway lights in this game very cartoony. They are like internally lit beach balls. During the daytime they are way way unrealistic and make it very easy to find the airport doing low and slow GA.

I have flown IRL in California where I got my PPL (IMC) and it really surprised me as to how tough it can be to spot the airport even on a super clear happy VFR day - specially those nestled in dense urban areas.

If we could have the option to turn off lights that would be awesome. See this video from 19:24 (just press play Ive marked the spot)

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What resolution do you use?
All lights ‘only work in1080p’ (to put it a bit dramatically).
In other resolutions (4k, (super-)UW) lights are a blurry mess and get overly bright where they intersect.

See this: Blurry lights on ultra-wide/4k resolutions
and vote pls if you have this issue.

I get what you mean, the night runway lights are really bright. However daytime they are not. Spot the runway:

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