Runway Touchdown Zone Markings Incorrect

The first set of US runway touchdown zone markings currently change based on runway length. This is incorrect. The touchdown zone markings at 500’ should always be a set of three painted stripes.

Only the touchdown markings near the midpoint of the runway change based on runway length.

7,990 or greater: Full set of markings
6,990 - 7989 Less one grouping of rectangular bars from each
runway end nearest to the runway midpoint
5,990 - 6,989 Less two groupings of rectangular bars from each
runway end nearest to the runway midpoint
4,990 - 5,989 Less three groupings of rectangular bars from each
runway end nearest to the runway midpoint

The width of painted stripes changes slightly based on runway width.
0-100’: 75’Lx4’W

100’: 75’Lx6’W

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